Written by Dr. Bhavya

Medically reviewed by Dr Godmi Tresa

Updated on January 05, 2025

How to Differentiate Between Gallbladder Disease and Heartburn?

Heartburn can be a real pain in the gut! It can make you feel highly uncomfortable and sometimes frustrate you, right? If the answer is yes, then how should you improve gut health naturally? Read on to find out!

"I feel like something fiery is rising in my throat and abdomen. Especially if I have heavy and oily fat food." - Sarah, Nirva client.

Can gerd acid reflux symptoms always be just annoying, or is it a sign of a more serious underlying cause like gallbladder disease?

Is there any relation between what causes acid reflux and what causes heartburn?

Too many questions and still wondering about answers? Let's break it down in this article.

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Troubled Gallbladder? Common Conditions and Symptoms

Gallbladder disease affects a tiny organ under your liver that stores bile, which helps digest fats. You might feel abdominal pain, nausea, and even fever when there’s an internal infection.

Some of the gallbladder conditions are;

  • Gallstones -  Small deposits formed inside gallbladder
  • Cholecystitis - Gallbladder becomes inflamed
  • Biliary colic Gallbladder pain that occurs when the gallbladder contracts
  • Gallbladder cancer - A rare and difficult-to-diagnose type of cancer. 
  • Choledocholithiasis - The gallstones blocking the bile duct
  • Biliary dyskinesia - Lack of powerful emptying of bile.
  • Gallbladder polyps - Small finger-like growth inside the gallbladder
  • Sclerosing cholangitis - Inflammatory changes causing thickening and stricture

The specific symptoms of each condition differ. However ,some common symptoms that you must know to recognise a gallbladder issue are;

  • Abdominal pain mainly on the right side, just below the ribcage.
  • Nausea and vomiting after eating fatty meals
  • Jaundice in severe condition
  • Fever and chills if there's a spread of infection
  • Changes in bowel movements with an increased pale-coloured diarrhoea.

Why Do You Experience Heartburn?

Heartburn or chest burn is when a burning sensation occurs in the chest. You can feel it in the throat or neck sometimes.

The leading cause of heartburn is GERD. 

Read about GERD in the blog

Heartburn often gets triggered. There are certain foods that trigger acid reflux related heartburn, or drinks, such as:

  • Spicy foods like hot peppers, including jalapenos, spicy sauces-curry sauces, spicy sausages, pepperoni, spicy chips, popcorn, and foods containing a lot of seasoning and spices.
  • Fatty foods like fried chicken, french fries, fatty cuts of pork, beef and lamb.
  • Hot beverages like coffee, tea, caffeinated drinks, and cocktails.
  • Alcohol
  • Desserts that are rich in sugar and cream. 

It can also get triggered by;

  • Overeating,
  • Lying down after a meal
  • Wearing tight-fitting clothing around the waist.

Most cases of heartburn can be managed with lifestyle changes. You can even cope by adopting the following habits:

  • Avoiding trigger foods
  • Eating portioned meals
  • Refraining from lying down soon after eating
  • Over-the-counter antacids or acid reducers provide temporary relief. 

Gallbladder Diseases and Heartburn

Did you know that there's a connection between heartburn and your gallbladder? Yes, the two conditions share similar symptoms. 

Dr Israa Ismail, an Ayurveda Consultant at Nirva, says;

"The bile in the gallbladder neutralises the effect of stomach acid in the intestines. So, if your gallbladder does not function effectively, then there's an imbalance between the two, which leads to reflux and heartburn.”

Along with this, a blocked flow of bile can give you symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. These symptoms are also mistaken for acid reflux related effects.However, do know that all cases of heartburn are not related to gallbladder. Other causes can be;

  • GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder)
  • Hiatal Hernia
  • Food triggers

5 Points to Differentiate Gallbladder Conditions from Heartburn

Knowing the key points required to differentiate a gallbladder condition from a heartburn are helpful.

  1. Location of the Pain : Gallbladder pain occurs at the upper right part of the abdomen and you feel the heartburn pain at the lower mid-chest area.
  2. Nature of Pain : Gallbladder pain comes as a sharp cramping pain. Heartburn pain is a burning type or a gnawing sensation.
  3. Triggers : when you eat fatty or greasy meals, it will trigger gallbladder pain. However, a heartburn or acid reflux related pain gets triggered with spicy foods.
  4. Associated symptoms : Gallbladder condition comes with nausea, vomiting and yellowish tinge of skin, nails and eyes. A heartburn condition comes with repeated regurgitation, sour taste in mouth and a feeling of fullness.
  5. Timing of the pain: Gallbladder pain occurs after having a meal and heartburn or acidity related pain can occur anytime. Acidity pain worsens when you lie down.

If you are still doubtful of your symptoms, do not hesitate to connect with Nirva health experts.

Why is Proper Diagnosis Important?

As asymptomatic and less the problem may seem with gallbladder conditions, the more you must know why you must get it evaluated by your doctor.

Gallbladder conditions are usually asymptomatic; therefore, a timely diagnosis of gallbladder diseases is crucial;

  • Accurate treatment
  • Prevention of complications
  • Quality of life
  • Avoiding unnecessary surgical procedures

Some of the complications that may occur if you neglect gallbladder diseases are;

  • Gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis)
  • Bile duct blockage
  • Pancreatitis
  • Inflammation of gallbladder ducts (Cholangitis)
  • Gallbladder perforation
  • Death of gallbladder tissue (Gangrene)
  • Gallbladder cancer
  • Gallbladder polyps
  • Abscess
  • Abnormal connection between two organs ( Fistula)
  • Collection of pus in the cavity (Empyema) 
  • Whole body infection (Sepsis)

Proper diagnosis is crucial when it comes to gallbladder diseases because it can have a significant impact on your overall quality of life. 

When to Seek Help from Your Doctor

The frequent over-the-counter medications you have been taking for heartburn may not always be the way to go. Spotting the underlying cause is the first and foremost option.

However, you must know what the worst symptoms are that you may face, which tells you that there is no time to wait.

  • Do not ignore these warning signs!
  • Jaundice
  • Clay-coloured stools
  • Dark Urine
  • Feeling full just after eating a little
  • Sudden extreme weight loss

Wrapping Up!

Knowing how to differentiate between heartburn from acid reflux and gallbladder becomes essential to get the right kind of management. This can also prevent any further complications that may occur from infections, jaundice, etc.

So, make sure that you talk to an expert before popping those pills. More than that, try lifestyle and dietary changes to bring relief to your symptoms.

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Dr. Bhavya

She offers a holistic approach to healing that focuses on the interplay between the body, mind, and spirit. Her expertise in these areas allows her to provide comprehensive care for various conditions, from musculoskeletal disorders to stress-related illnesses. She is dedicated to empowering women to take control of their health and well-being. Her proactive approach to healthcare emphasises the importance of preventive measures and natural remedies.