Written by Dr. Bhavya

Medically reviewed by Dr Naveen Chandran

Updated on January 31, 2025

Digestive Enzymes and Supplements : Guide for Gut Health and Digestion

The magic natural product - digestive enzymes- helps you break down food and absorb different nutrients. The digestive enzymes play a crucial role in speeding up the chemical reaction involved in digestion, like a catalyst. 

Recently, digestive enzyme supplements have gained popularity, especially after gut health, and the importance of digestion has come into focus in the health sector.

So, through this blog, we will read what digestive enzymes are and how essential they are in supporting your digestion and gut health.

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What are Digestive Enzymes?

The digestive enzymes are naturally occurring chemical molecules that aid digestion. The three ways you get these digestive enzymes are;

  • When naturally produced by the body
  • Through diet
  • Through digestive enzyme supplements

How Digestive Enzymes Aid Nutrient Breakdown?

When you eat a meal or a snack, your mouth starts watering - the saliva. That very thing is the first magic product of your body, the salivary digestive enzyme that starts the process of digestion. Then, moving farther down your digestive system, the stomach, small intestine, pancreas and gallbladder also produce digestive enzymes to aid food and nutrient breakdown.

Let's see how the digestive enzymes from different parts of your digestive system help break down your food to build a healthy you.

In the Mouth

Saliva contains an enzyme called amylase. Amylase breaks down carbohydrates into simpler sugars like maltose and glucose.

In the Stomach

The stomach contains gastric juices - a combination of hydrochloric acid, lipase and pepsin digesting the proteins and fats.

In the Pancreas

The pancreas secretes the pancreatic enzymes - lipase, proteases (trypsin and chymotrypsin) and amylase, which digest the proteins.

In the Small Intestine

The small intestine, a long pipe about seven metres long, has the maximum space for excellent nutrient absorption. Here, the digestive enzymes that move in from the pancreas and those produced in the small intestine - maltase, sucrase, lactase and peptidase- break down the carbohydrates, proteins and fats into smaller particles. 

Once your food goes through all the above steps, the absorbed nutrients finally reach the walls of your intestines and get carried to different body parts.

To summarise, the essential digestive enzymes you need in your body at optimum levels are;

  • Amylase - To break down carbohydrate into simpler sugars
  • Lipase - To convert lipids into fatty acids
  • Pepsin and Protease - To digest proteins into smaller units
  • Lactase - To convert lactose into simple sugars like glucose and galactose
  • Sucrase, Maltase, Invertase - These lighter enzymes are necessary to break  down the sugar produced during digestion
  • Cellulase (produced by gut bacteria) - Breakdown cellulose found in plant sources

So now you know that all these enzymes must work day and night to keep you running like a machine. But do you know the primary key to open the health vault?

Well, it's the gut microbes that play a crucial role in maintaining a balanced digestive enzyme production, which, in turn, keeps your gut healthy. 

So, are you ready to explore how these tiny organisms impact your gut enzymes? 

Gut Microbiome and Digestive Enzymes Production

The gut microbiome is crucial in keeping your nutrient absorption game going smoothly. How? Let's see.

By Supporting Enzyme Diversity 

Different bacterial species in the gut produce enzymes that break down food components in complement with your digestive enzymes. It's similar to how ten of our friends possess ten distinct talents. 

So, some of the different enzymes produced by the gut microbes are;

  • Carbohydrate-degrading enzymes.
  • Protein-degrading enzymes.
  • Lipid-degrading enzymes.

It's fascinating to note that the enzymes produced by the bacteria in your gut can digest a broader range of food than those produced by other body parts. This highlights the significant role that gut bacteria play in aiding our digestive system.

Better Nutrient Absorption

Gut bacteria also aid in an increased availability of nutrients by facilitating appropriate absorption and releasing essential minerals into your body.

Production of Essential Nutrients

During the digestion process by gut bacteria, the production of Vitamin K, specific B vitamins and certain amino acids takes place, which is essential for your overall health.

Regulation of Gut pH and Environment

By maintaining optimum pH in the gut, gut bacteria ensure that your digestive enzymes help in the efficient breakdown of food particles.

Modulating Enzyme Expression

One of the most exciting activities of gut bacteria is their influence on the genetic activity that produces optimum digestive enzymes in your body.

Our body is an interconnected network. Your digestive enzymes rely on gut bacteria and vice versa. But, in the end, everything works together to keep you healthy and running. 

The Benefits of Optimum Digestive Enzymes

The primary goal of the digestive enzymes is to break down the food you eat. But is this just that straightforward? 

The real question is, why do you need healthy digestive enzymes produced at optimum levels?  Yes, it's all about how well your body absorbs and utilises the digested food. 

Following are some fantastic benefits of healthy digestive enzymes.

Nutrient Absorption

After your digestive enzymes break down your food, they also ensure that the food particles are at a micronutrient level that your body can absorb and use to keep you healthy.

Reducing Digestive Discomfort

A good level of digestive enzymes keeps you away from digestive issues and symptoms like bloating, stomach upset and discomfort after meals. Enzymes always ensure a smoother digestive process.

Supporting Gut Health

A healthy set of digestive enzymes works with the gut microbiome to guard the intestinal walls, keeping their integrity. Bromelain and papain enzymes (natural enzyme supplements, explained in the following section)aid in this function, thus preventing issues such as leaky gut.

Supporting Healthy Inflammatory Response

A good amount of digestive enzymes support the production of inflammatory markers to help beat the pathogens that enter the body.

Enhancing Immune Response

Digestive enzymes like bromelain modulate immune cell surface molecules and regulate immune cell behaviour.

Promoting Healthy Cholesterol Levels

Some studies show that digestive enzymes like papain reduce total cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increase the LDL, which is good cholesterol.

Supporting Muscle Recovery

With optimum digestive enzyme levels, you can aid muscle recovery post-exercise. They can reduce the effects of delayed onset of muscle soreness and promote muscle strength.


Did you find some interesting digestive enzymes called papain and bromelain while reading the above section? No, your body does not produce them. Do you need some more information on where they come from? Well, read on to find out!

Natural Sources of Digestive Enzymes

News! It turns out that you're not limited to just the digestive enzymes in your body - your food can also provide a boost! That's right, incorporating certain foods into your diet can help you improve digestion and keep your gut happy. Do you wish to know more?

Some fruits and vegetables in your diet have natural digestive enzymes. Some of them are given below. Sit tight, and tick on your checklist if you love the following 'magic packets' of digestive enzymes!

  • Honey, especially the raw variety, has amylase and protease.
  • Mangoes and bananas have amylase.
  • Papaya has a type of protease called papain.
  • Avocados have the enzyme lipase.
  • Sauerkraut or fermented cabbage gets its digestive enzyme during the fermentation process.
  • Pineapple contains bromelain for protein digestion.
  • Kiwifruit contains an enzyme called actinidin, which has been shown to enhance the digestion of a variety of animal food proteins over and above that of the digestive enzymes alone. 
  • Ginger contains zingibain, which helps food move faster through the digestive tract and boosts the body's production of digestive enzymes.
  • Figs contain ficin, which assists in protein digestion and are found in dry and fresh varieties.
  • Papaya seeds have carpain and other proteases.
  • Sprouted seeds and legumes activate enzymes that help break the seed starch during their sprouting, so they're valued enzymes for humans. Sprouted mung beans especially contain high amounts of amylase.
  • Turmeric curcumin stimulates bile production, helping in fat digestion.
  • Miso, a Japanese seasoning, contains digestive enzymes during the fermentation process, which helps to improve the ability to digest and absorb foods.

Isn't this a great list of digestive enzyme supplements that nature has that you can add to your diet?

But when do you take these supplements? Yes, your body will give you signals when the body's digestive enzymes are not working well and you need supplements. Check what these signals are.

Improper Functioning Digestive Enzymes: Signs and Symptoms

Of course, when you do not have enough digestive enzymes in your body, your digestion comes down, and so does your body's nutrient absorption. Improper nutrient absorption can manifest in many ways, weight loss being just one of them. However, there are some other added signs and symptoms that you must pay attention to. Some of the symptoms are;

  • Recurrent digestive discomfort like gas, indigestion, and discomfort after meals, especially when consuming specific food types.
  • Food intolerances and developing new sensitivities, especially for those with high fat, protein and carbohydrates.
  • Developing nutritional deficiency symptoms like fatigue, weakness, brittle nails, etc.
  • Irregular bowel movements with on-and-off constipation or diarrhoea.
  • Abdominal pain and cramping due to incomplete digestion of food.
  • Difficulty in gaining or losing weight even after a good diet, routine and exercises.
  • Acid reflux and heartburn due to incomplete digestion.
  • Gastrointestinal conditions like celiac disease, pancreatitis, and cystic fibrosis.
  • Skin problems like eczema and itchy skin.
  • Fatigue or low energy due to decreased energy production.

But wait! Sometimes you may face the above symptoms due to some underlying health condition where your pancreas cannot produce sufficient digestive enzymes. This condition is called Exocrine pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI). EPI is a comparatively severe health condition.

Some common causes of EPI are -

  • Pancreatitis
  • Celiac disease
  • Diabetes
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Surgery of the digestive tract

The treatment mainly involves the replacement of pancreatic enzymes called PERT (Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy) along with some lifestyle changes like avoiding a high-fat diet, alcohol and smoking.

This is why you must always get evaluated by a healthcare professional when you face such symptoms.

However, some symptoms may be solely due to a lack of optimum levels of digestive enzymes. So, getting back to normal digestion with digestive supplements is good. Besides the dietary addition of digestive enzymes (mentioned above), even supplementation in pills and capsules works wonders. 

Digestive Enzyme Supplements in Pills and Capsules

So, if you have mild digestive discomfort and trouble with nutrient absorption, try taking over-the-counter supplements.

Two general rules which you must follow when you take digestive enzyme supplements are;

  • Timing: Take the supplements just before or at the beginning of a meal to assist in the breakdown of food. Follow the dosage in the package or according to your doctor's advice.
  • Diet: It's good to go on restrictive diets or avoid diets with foods challenging to digest, like high-fat meals, dairy products and gluten-containing foods.

Your enzyme supplementation will help if you have mild digestive discomforts due to enzyme deficiencies like pancreatic insufficiency or lactose intolerance.

Finding Quality in Digestive Enzyme Supplement 

  • Choosing high-quality supplements with the best digestive enzymes is crucial for efficacy and safety. Look for the following when you select the best digestive enzymes according to your needs.
  • Enzyme types and activity - Select the supplements that contain a variety of enzymes (amylase, protease, lipase, etc.).
  • Source and purity - Choose supplements from reputable manufacturers and consider third-party certifications.
  • Check for additives - See if any additives might trigger your allergen. You can get tailored supplements for your needs and sensitivities.
  • Storage and expiry - Look for storage instructions and date of packaging to ensure optimal effectiveness.

Let's check out some of the most commonly used digestive supplements.

Probiotic Multi Enzymes

Combining probiotics and digestive enzymes always works like a miracle, say gut health experts at Nirva Health. That is why scientists have created a combination supplement:  `probiotic multienzymes'. These supplements contain a combination of probiotics and digestive enzymes.

Various probiotic multienzymes concentrate on varied areas, such as specific intolerances and gut issues. 

The general benefits are that they reduce digestive discomforts like gas and bloating, while other benefits depend primarily on the type of bacterial strain in the probiotics.

Scientists agree that combining probiotics and digestive enzymes will create a "best-case scenario" for digestion. 

Betaine HCl with Pepsin

If you have ever faced digestive issues for a long time, your doctor must have asked you to check your stomach acid level, which is HCl (Hydrochloric Acid).

If your stomach is well-functioning with a perfect level of enzyme production, then it will have an acidic pH of less than 3. That's an excellent acidic level. Anything over three is hypochlorhydria, inadequate HCl (your stomach acid) production.

With age, at least 10% of the American population experiences a decline in stomach acid secretion. When stomach acid reduces, your ability to digest food comes down. That is when Betaine HCl and Betaine Hcl with pepsin supplementations come in handy. 

Han on! Should You Self-Medicate With Betaine Hcl Pepsin Enzymes? No, you must take advice from an expert before using these supplements. It is wise not to self-medicate yourselves, as an excess in dosage will give you heartburn, diarrhoea, neck ache, backache or some uncomfortable digestive discomfort.

Also, if you have stomach ulcers, these enzymes are contraindicated. It is best to get an evaluation done before taking the enzyme supplements.

Lactase Enzyme Supplements to Manage Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance occurs when your body does not break down lactose (the sugar and milk in dairy products ) due to inadequate lactase enzyme production.

Lactase enzyme supplementation is one of the treatment lines for lactose intolerance. (1)

If you are lactose intolerant, you can consume lactase enzyme supplements before consuming dairy products; thus, it can aid in the digestion of lactose, reducing symptoms like bloating, gas and diarrhoea.

These supplements come in;

  • Pills
  • Capsules
  • Drops

While digestive supplements can ease symptoms, they may not work for everyone. It's always best to consult your doctor to help you plan according to your needs, like dietary changes, supplement brands or other alternatives.

Ayurveda and Digestive Enzymes

Even though digestive enzyme supplements are safe, it's always best to stimulate your digestive enzymes naturally. Stimulating the natural production of digestive enzymes is the first principle of every treatment line in Ayurveda.

The importance of gut health and balancing gut health by maintaining a moderate digestive and metabolic fire (agni) -which reflects the health of digestive enzymes- is the base of the Ayurvedic treatment. This concept respects the holistic principle that the gut is the root of all diseases. 

Which in Ayurvedic language (Sanskrit) quotes, 

"Rogah survey api mande agnou.” 

(All diseases stem from impaired digestive fire)

Ayurvedic Tips to Stimulate Digestive Enzymes

Here are some expert-recommended Ayurvedic tips to stimulate your digestive enzymes naturally.

1. Follow ayurvedic dietary rules like avoiding overeating, keeping the stomach 3/4 full, and eating only when hungry.

2. Practise a morning detox with lemon water.

3. Include spices like ginger, turmeric, fennel, coriander or cumin in your diet.

4. Eat grated ginger and lemon juice sprinkled with a pinch of salt before food. ( contraindicated if you have gastritis issue)

5. Movement and meditation help with optimum digestion and stimulation of enzymes. Walk at least 100 steps after meals.

6. Do not drink water just before having food or when hungry.

7. Eating or choosing foods according to one's body constitution (Prakriti) and the strength of digestive fire (Agni) works best to keep your digestion healthy.


By understanding the role of digestive enzymes in digestion and gut health, you have taken a significant step toward promoting optimal digestion and overall well-being. Always keep a healthy gut in as many natural ways as possible to avoid complications.

Heal Your Gut, Heal Your Body

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Dr. Bhavya

She offers a holistic approach to healing that focuses on the interplay between the body, mind, and spirit. Her expertise in these areas allows her to provide comprehensive care for various conditions, from musculoskeletal disorders to stress-related illnesses. She is dedicated to empowering women to take control of their health and well-being. Her proactive approach to healthcare emphasises the importance of preventive measures and natural remedies.