Written by Dr. Mahesh Sujan

Medically reviewed by Dr. Israa Ismail

Updated on December 16, 2024

Can a Colon Cleanse Improve Digestion?

Colon cleansing has become a very popular healthy practice in recent times. Health experts discuss colon cleansing and its benefit of improving digestion in various wellness discussions. But what if we told you that Ayurveda practised an advanced level of colon cleansing thousands of years ago? 

In fact, Ayurveda considers basti, which is medicated colon cleansing or enema, as ‘Ardhachikista’, meaning half the treatment. This signifies that the efficacy of a single procedure is similar to the efficacy of completing half of the treatment, in any health condition. In this blog, you will know everything about colon cleansing, the modern and most basic form of basti.

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What Is A Colon Cleanse?

As the name implies, a colon cleanse is a procedure to clean your colon. The main aim of the colon cleanse procedure is to flush out any residual or toxic content of the large intestine. Our body, especially our colon, is innovatively capable of self-cleaning. However, due to modern lifestyle and dietary habits, our body may need assistance to flush the residues out.

It is just like giving your car a service once in a while. This colon cleanse is usually done through colonic irrigation, enemas, or dietary detoxes. 

  • Colonic Irrigation: A medical procedure of infusing water into the colon. It is done through a tube inserted into the rectum.
  • Enemas: A method of using liquid introduced into the rectum. It helps stimulate bowel movements.
  • Dietary Detoxes: Programs that involve consuming specific juices or supplements that can initiate bowel movements and thus aid in cleansing the colon.

Potential Benefits Of A Colon Cleanse

If you are wondering what a colon cleanse does to your body, let's discuss some of the potential benefits of a colon cleanse:

1. Improved Digestion And Gut Health

Removing build-up waste from your colon can increase its smooth functioning. When the colon function becomes smooth, it helps digestion a lot. Moreover, it can potentially reduce symptoms like constipation and bloating.

2. Enhanced Nutrition Absorption

The colon primarily absorbs water and electrolytes. Your small intestine is where nutrient absorption mainly occurs. Having a clear colon can indirectly affect nutrient absorption by the small intestine.

3. Feeling Light And Energetic

After a colon cleanse, you can feel a lightness in your body. This can improve your physical activities and will provide you with an energy boost. Psychological factors also play a great role in the feeling of this lightness.

These are some of the key benefits of doing colon cleanse. However it is alo crucial to understand potential risks associated with it. 

Risks and Concerns of Colon Cleansing

First of all, medically, not everyone is fit for colon cleansing. There are some risk factors that need to be considered before doing colon cleansing.

  • Dehydration: The process of evacuating accumulated wastes from your colon can also cause fluid loss from your body. This may lead to dehydration.
  • Imbalance Of Electrolytes: Electrolyte imbalances can result from improper colon evacuation and can cause severe health problems.
  • Bowel Perforation: If not properly done, colon cleansing can cause perforation to your bowel wall.
  • Infection: The chances of infection are present when you administer unsterile liquids into your colon.

All these are risk factors that may come up if the colon cleansing is not done properly. It is your duty to ensure you are availing of the service from a reputed and safe place where expert guidance is available, like Nirva Health.

In addition, people with chronic health conditions are also not advised to take colon cleansing unless advised by a medical practitioner. 

Natural Alternatives to Promote Digestion

When it comes to staying healthy, you can always opt for natural methods. Instead of artificial methods like colonic irrigation or enemas, you could actually try out some of the natural methods listed below for colon cleansing:

1. Fibre-Rich Diet

Following a high-fibre diet will always upgrade your health. Fibre-rich food items like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes can improve your digestive ability. Also, a fibre-rich diet can improve the bulk of the stool, thus helping prevent constipation. 

2. Proper Hydration

Always try to drink plenty of water. Adequate hydration helps soften your stools. It aids in regular bowel movements. If you are well hydrated, you are less likely to experience constipation or other digestive issues.

3. Probiotics And Fermented Foods

Probiotics are something which is gaining immense attention at present. When you look around, you can see brands promoting their food products claiming to have probiotics! 

So, what are probiotics? But, before answering the question, knowing about the reality of your gut is important. 

Did you know that the human gut holds a very large number of beneficial bacteria? These are collectively called gut microbiomes. The correct balance of the gut microbiome is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Now, coming back to the question, in simple terms, Probiotics are food and health products that have live, beneficial microbes. Intake of probiotic foods contributes to the healthy balance of the gut microbiome.

Probiotics are typically found in fermented foods. Some of the common fermented foods are yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi. Thus, these food items can improve your gut health by promoting a healthy balance of gut bacteria. 

Now, you are aware of what colon cleansing is, its benefits and risk factors. We have also looked at the natural alternatives to it. 

Read on to know when you can actually think of undergoing a colon cleanse. 

When To Consider A Colon Cleanse

So, when will you feel like getting a colon cleanse?  Of course, when your digestive system is in trouble, right? The following are the two important stages where a colon cleanse is advised:

  • Preparation For Medical Procedures: Cleansing may be necessary before medical procedures such as colonoscopy. This helps establish clear visibility of the intestinal walls.
  • Severe Constipation: If you are experiencing chronic constipation and dietary changes have not alleviated it, you can consider colon cleansing. Medical advice should be sought before considering any form of cleansing.

Now, here's something interesting. Have you thought of what traditional medicines offer in correspondence to a colon cleanse? The next session deals with what Ayurveda can offer as an alternative to a colon cleanse.

Basti In Ayurveda

The panchakarma procedures in Ayurveda are the most popular alternative therapies. Among them, basti is an important technique involved in many treatment protocols advised in Ayurveda.

As said earlier, basti is not just mere colon cleansing. It has numerous health benefits.

This method differs from conventional colon cleanses. It uses medicinal substances tailored to individual needs rather than merely flushing out waste.

  • The basti procedure is known for its ability to detoxify and purify not just the intestines but also the entire body. 
  • It can stimulate colon secretion and also help improve overall health by addressing various ailments associated with vata dosha (the air element in Ayurveda). 
  • The basti procedure works through the rich blood supply found in rectal areas. Thus, the instilled medicinal substances are absorbed and spread across the body. It provides systemic benefits rather than just bowel cleansing.

Another aspect is that you can tailor the procedure according to your individual needs. The different mixtures of medicines, the quantity, the time of administration, and the time of retention of the medicine. All these aspects can alter the net effect of the procedure.

In simple terms, the indications and benefits of basti are vast. You can even use it as a mere colon cleanse or as part of a treatment for a severe disease. All you have to do is consult an Ayurvedic practitioner and seek expert medical advice.

Wrapping It Up

Actively finding ways to keep your body healthy is a great aspect of life. Colon cleansing is an amazing way to reboot your digestive system. Even though colon cleansing has numerous digestive benefits, it has associated potential health risks, too. Utmost caution should be taken when you approach such practices.

Instead of opting for aggressive cleansing methods, it is always better to adopt natural remedies. Try to follow a fibre-rich diet, maintain hydration, and include probiotics in your daily regimen. These practices can effectively promote your digestive health.

If you are considering more traditional approaches like vasti, it is advisable to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. At Nirva Health, we provide personalised treatment plans based on your individual health needs and preferences. Understanding how your body functions naturally will help you make informed decisions about your health.

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Dr. Mahesh Sujan

Dr. Mahesh is a dedicated young Ayurveda doctor on a mission to educate the global community about the transformative power of Ayurveda. A passionate fitness enthusiast, he firmly advocates the principle that prevention is better than cure. With a focus on lifestyle disorders, Dr. Mahesh emphasizes how Ayurveda can play a crucial role in both prevention and management of these conditions. Additionally, he is a committed public health advocate who has made significant contributions during the COVID-19 pandemic, helping to promote health and wellness in challenging times. Through his writing, Dr. Mahesh aims to inspire others to embrace a holistic approach to health and well-being.