Medically reviewed by Dr Anju Lal
All of us have experienced the discomfort of acidity and indigestion at some point in our life journey at least once! So, problems like acidity and indigestion are not unfamiliar. It is common for any living being to seek a solution through various means to overcome pain or discomfort; the most common being painkillers.
However, finding solutions to such health issues through natural remedies can bring back the rhythm of your life.
Gut issues like acidity or indigestion occasionally are of no concern. Therefore, by integrating holistic treatment approaches, you can easily manage them with home remedies.
If it becomes severe and frequent, it is time to seek advice from a healthcare expert.
Read on to know how you can avoid taking pills for acidity and when it is the right time to seek help from the professionals.
Acidity and indigestion are two distinct conditions related to the gut. Although they are closely related, they differ in their causes and symptoms. Even though Ayurvedic indigestion remedies can also address acidity issues, the two conditions are distinct and differ in their causes, symptoms, etc. Acidity is also known as hyperacidity or heartburn, and indigestion is known as dyspepsia or stomach upset.
Commonly, people use 'acidity' and 'indigestion' interchangeably to address similar sets of symptoms. But scientifically, those two are different issues that may happen simultaneously; among the two, acidity is more specific and unrelated to the heart! Whereas indigestion presents with vague symptoms.
Let us begin by understanding acidity.
In Ayurveda, it is often referred to as 'Amlapitta'. It arises when 'Agni' (digestive and metabolic fire) becomes imbalanced along with 'Pitta', a body element responsible for digestion and metabolism.
An imbalance of 'Agni' and 'Pitta' leads to excessive sourness in the gut. This excessive sourness can result from different, causes including poor dietary habits, lifestyle, impaired sleep, stress, etc.
Causes of Acidity
Various factors, including improper diet, lifestyle, or sleeping patterns, can cause acidity. Check out the following causes to see if you follow any of these:
Symptoms of Acidity
Are you experiencing any of these?
Read more on Acid Reflux in this article - Breaking up with GERD: Understanding the time frame of acid reflux.
Sometimes when you experience similar symptoms, you may think that it is just an episode of indigestion from the food you ate. Yes, sometimes it can be just an indigestion, but sometimes not! It is quite confusing, indigestion has some other specific symptoms. Read on to know.
Ayurveda denotes indigestion with the term 'ajeerna'. The condition 'ajeerna', which means indigestion, plays a significant role in causing numerous other health issues. Indigestion can lead to acidity, bloating, malnutrition, stress, headaches, etc.
Although it is commonly called indigestion, each person may experience different symptoms at different frequencies. Some people experience symptoms daily, while others experience them occasionally.
Causes of Indigestion
Causes of indigestion include:
Symptoms of Indigestion
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The increased production of stomach acid causes a burning sensation in the stomach and chest. Hence the name heartburn.
As mentioned above, an effective Ayurvedic treatment for acidity focuses on balancing the Pitta dosha, which is responsible for digestion and metabolism. That means balancing the Pitta element in the body itself is the primary goal of acidity management.
A few herbs are said to be very effective in managing Acidity. They are:
You can add these into your herbal teas, take as supplements or prepare different dishes.
Let us now explore a few simple but effective remedies for acidity.
If you find no satisfactory results with the remedies and supplements, you can get relief from Panchakarma detoxification therapies.
Even in case of indigestion, the Pitta dosha plays a significant role. Why? This is because ‘Pitta’ is the main component related to digestion and metabolism.
Whenever you experience idigestion, you must know that your ‘Agni’ is hampered. This ‘Agni,’ should be re-ignited using digestive herbal spices. Ayurveda indigestion remedies usually contain spicy herbs that are used in everyday cooking. Yes, do not look anywhere else. Remedies start in your kitchen.
The following herbs are highly effective in managing indigestion:
Already searching for these in your kitchen cabinet? Wait till you read about how even home remedies need to change as per your gut type in this blog - 3 Gut Types and How They Impact Digestion
Following are some of the simple herbal remedies for Indigestion -
Ayurveda always emphasises prevention over cure and balance before health issues arise. You need to take care of yourselves to prevent diseases. Following some simple Ayurvedic daily routines can help prevent acidity and indigestion. Here are some tips that can help you achieve this goal:
This emphasises the importance of healthy eating habits for maintaining health.
The food we consume plays a vital role in preventing health issues. However, due to busy lives and schedules, we cannot prioritise healthy eating, which makes the gut sick. So, we often rely on simple natural remedies to restore gut health.
A holistic approach is always good for managing acidity and indigestion. Lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and effective herbal remedies provide a comprehensive Ayurvedic solution for acidity, helping you prevent and manage digestive discomfort naturally.
That is why Ayurveda says that when the diet is wrong, medicine is of no use; when the diet is correct, medicine is of no need. This quote highlights the importance of a proper and healthy diet to maintain our health. If the diet is wrong, it is a waste even if we consume medicine in high quantities.
No, acidity and indigestion are two different conditions related to the gut. They differ in their causes, symptoms and even in management.
Some remedies used for acidity management, can also help in indigestion. Additionally, you must be aware of your body type and gut type to know which remedy works the best for you.
The best remedy for acidity can vary depending on the cause and severity of the condition. Indian gooseberry, licorice, giloy, coriander etc. are effective herbs for acidity management.
Yes we can treat acidity with home remedies if we have basic knowledge of herbs
Excessive intake of spicy, oily, heavy to digest food substances cause indigestion.
Yes, increased acid production can lead to irritation of diaphragm and cause hiccups.
Dr. Sudarshan Cheral
Dr Sudarshan Cheral is an Ayurveda practitioner with over 9 years of rich clinical experience. Also, as an experienced Ayurveda medical writer with more than 4 years in the field, he has skillfully contributed to Ayurveda literature, assisting in writing 4 books and translating 2 essential texts. Dr. Sudarshan is deeply committed to the art of teaching and has guided numerous international students on their journey to mastering Ayurveda.
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