Written by Dr. Bhavya

Medically reviewed by Dr Naveen Chandran

Updated on January 08, 2025

Ayurveda and Yoga Guide for Gut Health in Children

"The greatest gift you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and wings of independence." - Denis Waitley.

In a world seeking holistic solutions, Ayurveda and Yoga are timeless pillars of your child's well-being. Read this logbook to include these ancient practices to safeguard your child's gut. Parents worldwide unite in one thought for sure: the vision to nurture well-being in their children.

If you're a parent, educate yourself about the benefits of Ayurvedic practices and Yoga poses for your children's digestive wellness. The blog will also highlight immunity and overall development. For generations, let's create a legacy of vitality, resilience, and holistic living.

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The Significance Of A Healthy Gut In Children's Growth And Immunity

The gut microbiota is vital in various physiological processes, including digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune system modulation.

For children;

  • A balanced gut microbiota is essential because it directly influences growth and development.
  • A well-functioning gut ensures that crucial nutrients get adequately absorbed, providing the building blocks necessary for physical and cognitive growth.
  • Also, a strong immune response shields children from infections and allergies.

Understanding Children's Gut Health and Growth

Digestion and metabolism are significant in children's growth and development. The process of digestion is not merely breaking down food; it's a pivotal mechanism that extracts vital nutrients, energy, and building blocks required for a child's overall growth.

A well-functioning digestive system ensures that proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals are effectively absorbed and utilised. 

Optimal Digestive Health During Childhood

With rapid physical and cognitive growth, the body's demand for nutrients is at its peak. A healthy gut allows for proper nutrient absorption, which fuels the physical development of muscles, bones, and organs and the brain's cognitive development.

Efficient digestion contributes to stable energy levels, enhancing a child's capacity to engage in various activities and explorations.

Understanding Doshas in Children and its Effects on the Gut

According to Ayurveda, each person possesses a unique combination of the three bioenergies, the doshas. The doshas govern various physiological and psychological processes in the body, including digestion. Understanding a child's predominant dosha can provide insights into their digestive tendencies and vulnerabilities.

Vata Dosha

  • In children with a dominant vata dosha, digestion might be irregular and imbalanced. 
  • They may experience gas, bloating, and constipation due to the inherent mobility and variability of Vata.
  • To support gut health, they must take warm and grounding food items. 
  • Add spices like ginger and cinnamon to ignite the digestive fire and promote smoother digestion.

Pitta Dosha 

  • Children with predominant pitta dosha often have robust appetites and strong digestion. 
  • Any imbalance can lead to acidity and inflammation in the gut.
  • Cooling and soothing food and leafy greens can help maintain a balanced digestive environment in these children.

Kapha Dosha

  • Children dominant with kapha dosha tend to have slower digestion due to the heavy and stable qualities of kapha. 
  • They may be susceptible to mucus-related issues and experience sluggish digestion.
  • Light and warm food can aid in preventing stagnation in the digestive process.
  • Including aromatic spices such as black pepper and adding physical activity can help stimulate their digestion.

Know what your child's dosha predominance is. Get in touch with Nirva Experts.

Achieving a Balanced Gut Microbiome for Children's Overall Health

A healthy gut is crucial to children's growth and development. Achieving a balanced gut microbiome is critical: 

Microbiota Development 

  • The diverse community of microorganisms in the digestive tract begins to develop at birth and continues to shape throughout childhood. 
  • Early exposure to various microorganisms helps establish a balanced and diverse gut microbiome linked to optimal growth and immune function.

Nutrient Absorption

  • A healthy gut lining is essential for efficiently absorbing nutrients, vitamins, and minerals from food.
  • Adequate nutrient absorption supports proper physical growth, cognitive development, and overall well-being in children.

Immune System Maturation

  • Most of the immune system is located in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. (GALT).
  • A functioning gut microbiome supports the development of a balanced immune response, reducing the risk of allergies, autoimmune disorders, and infections.

Short-Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs)

  •  Beneficial gut bacteria produce SCFAs during the fermentation of dietary fibre. SCFAs help maintain gut health, strengthen the gut barrier, regulate inflammation, and promote immune system balance.

Gut Barrier Integrity

  • A healthy gut lining protects, preventing harmful pathogens and toxins from entering the bloodstream.
  • Intact gut barrier integrity reduces the risk of infections, allergic reactions, and inflammation.

Antibody Production

  • The gut is crucial in producing immunoglobulins (antibodies) that defend against infections.
  • A diverse gut microbiome has a wide range of antibodies, enhancing immunity.

Neurotransmitter Production

  • The gut-brain axis is a bidirectional communication pathway between the gut and brain.
  • Beneficial gut bacteria help produce neurotransmitters like serotonin, influencing children's mood, behaviour and cognitive function.

Protection Against Pathogens

  • Beneficial gut bacteria compete with harmful pathogens for resources and attachment sites in the gut.
  • A balanced gut microbiome helps protect children from gastrointestinal infections.

Allergy and Asthma Prevention

  • A diverse gut microbiome early in life is associated with a decreased risk of developing allergies and asthma.
  • It helps regulate the immune system's response to allergens and promotes tolerance.

Growth Hormone Regulation

  • The gut microbiota influences the secretion and utilisation of growth hormones.
  • An imbalanced microbiome can affect growth hormone levels and subsequently impact physical growth in children.

Ayurvedic Remedies Suitable for Children's Digestion

The age-old remedies of Ayurveda are not only effective in children but also very gentle on their delegate gut. The natural ways and methods Ayurvedic experts describe are in rhythm with nature. They enhance the natural development of healthy microbes in a child's body.

Practices that Promote Gut Wellness in Children 

  1. Using Clarified Butter (Ghee): Clarified butter is essential in Ayurveda because it lubricates the digestive tract, nourishes the tissues, and promotes optimal digestion.
  2. Aloe Vera: Aloe vera juice, when consumed in moderation, can help soothe inflammation in the gut lining and support digestive regularity.
  3. Tongue Scrapping: A simple practice of tongue scraping with a copper tongue cleaner can help remove toxins and stimulate digestion by activating taste buds.
  4. Mindful Eating: Ayurveda emphasises the importance of mindful eating, where children are encouraged to eat in a calm and relaxed environment, savouring each bite. This practice enhances and prevents overeating.
  5. Ajwain Water: Soaking Ajwain seeds overnight and giving the water to children in the morning can help alleviate digestive discomfort and promote regular bowel movements.

Guidelines for Incorporating Ayurvedic Principles into Children's Diet

An Ayurvedic diet principle focuses on balanced nutrition, maintenance of optimum digestive fire, and a calm environment and situation of eating.

Introducing good dietetic rules from childhood helps them healthily thrive into adulthood through the external and internal micro biotic environments.

Ways to Curate the Ayurvedic Diet to Promote Healthy Digestion, Growth and Overall Well-Being

Prioritise Nutrient-Rich Food

Craft a diet emphasising whole, nourishing foods over processed options. Opt for locally sourced staples that are free from artificial additives and preservatives. By adopting nutrient-dense meals, you are helping your children build blocks that are essential for their growth.

Balance Doshas

Consider your child's body constitution while planning a meal. Address dosha imbalances by choosing foods that help restore equilibrium. For example, if your child has a vata imbalance (weak immune system, sleep issues), incorporate grounding and nourishing foods like cooked grains, healthy fats, and root vegetables.

Mindful Eating Environment

Create a calm and quiet environment for meals. Please encourage your child to eat with focus and presence, allowing their digestive system to function optimally. Advise against watching television, playing on mobile phones or reading stories when your child eats.

Home Cooked with Love

Prioritise home-cooked meals prepared with love. Organically produced and well-cooked foods infused with parental care provide children with wholesome nourishment.

Proper Food Combining

Teach your child the importance of correct food combining for optimal digestion, such as avoiding consuming milk and fruits together, as they can lead to indigestion and accumulation of metabolic toxins over a period.

Portion Control

Encourage portion size that aligns with your child's stomach capacity. Usually, the general guideline is to serve an amount that fits in both their palms.

Limited Water Consumption with Meals

Advise your child to avoid excessive water intake during meals, as it can dilute digestive juices. One glass of water during meals is usually sufficient.

Consuming Milk and Fruits Separately

While fruits and unprocessed cow's milk are essential energy sources, ensure that your child consumes them separately for efficient digestion. A glass of milk before bedtime and a portion of fruit in the morning can be beneficial.

Structured Meal Times

Encourage regular meal times and discourage constant snacking. A schedule of three substantial meals and two smaller snacks is ideal for children's metabolism.

Actionable Ayurvedic Practices to Enhance Children's Digestion

Ayurveda for kids strongly emphasises establishing healthy daily routines and maintaining a nourishing diet. A consistent routine is essential for children's general well-being and helps shape their physiological responses and build positive habits. Western and traditional medicine argue that a regular daily schedule can set the foundation for lifelong health.

Look through some actionable tips to assist your child in adopting a balanced routine:

Be an Early Riser

Please encourage your child to wake up early, which aligns with their body's natural rhythms. While a consistent waking time is recommended, occasional flexibility is acceptable, especially after a disrupted night's sleep.

Nutrient-Rich Food

Offer your child fresh, nourishing, seasonal food that adheres to Ayurvedic nutrition principles.

Active Engagement

Children's abundant Kapha energy benefits from physical activity. Encourage active play, swimming, light sports, or daily walks to keep them engaged and maintain healthy routines.

Listen to Body Cues

Teach your child to recognise their body's signals and encourage bathroom visits in the morning. The practice helps them establish a steady morning routine.

Hydration Habits

Incorporate the practice of drinking lukewarm water in the morning. Doing so aids digestion. You can even continue to hydrate yourself up to 30 minutes before meals.

Quality Sleep

Ensure your child receives adequate sleep by adhering to an appropriate bedtime, ideally around 10 p.m., after a day of learning and activities.

Morning Movement

Begin the day with ayurvedic practices such as gentle massage or stretching. A 10-15 minute massage and stretching routine can invigorate the body. For older children, teach them various yoga stretches they can perform independently.

Child-Friendly Yoga Poses to Support Digestion

Yoga helps in promoting kids' digestive wellness. Gentle postures and mindful practices can significantly promote kids' digestive health and growth. These child-friendly Yoga poses encourage movement, provide relaxation, and activate the abdominal area, fostering a healthy digestive system.

Let's see some poses that your child can enjoy.

Balasana (Child's Pose)

This pose gently comprises the abdomen, promoting relaxation and aiding digestion. It's a calming posture that can be held for a few breaths, allowing your child to focus on their breath and encouraging abdominal activation.

Ardha Matsendryasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)

This seated twist stimulates the digestive organs and can help relieve gas and bloating. Please encourage your child to twist gently and breathe deeply as they enjoy this pose.

Pavanmukhtasana (Wind Relieving Pose)

As the name suggests, this pose aids in releasing trapped gas and promoting a healthy digestive system. Ti involves hugging the knees to the chest while lying on the back.

Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Pose)

This dynamic sequence involves arching and rounding the back, which provides a gentle massage to the abdominal organs. It helps improve flexibility and encourages movement in the spine.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) 

This pose involves lying on the belly and holding the ankles while lifting the chest and legs. It activates the abdominal muscles, massages the digestive organs, and promotes healthy digestion.

Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Pose)

This restorative pose allows the legs to be elevated against a wall. It promotes relaxation, aids circulation, and supports digestion by encouraging blood flow to the abdominal region.

Savasana (Corpse Pose)

A relaxation pose that allows the body to unwind fully. Please encourage your child to focus on their breath and release tension, promoting overall relaxation and aiding digestion.

As children engage in these yoga poses, they develop body awareness, promote relaxation, and stimulate their digestive systems. Encourage them to embrace these poses with an open heart and a playful spirit.

Through Yoga, children support their physical well-being and cultivate a mindful connection to their bodies. These poses are exercises and tools for fostering holistic health and nurturing growth from within.

Incorporating Yoga into Your Children's Lives

Morning: Deep breathing or simple stretches as part of their morning routine.

Meal Times: Practise mindfulness before meals with a short gratitude moment.

After School - Engage them in outdoor activities or family yoga sessions to release energy and promote relaxation.

Evening: Wind down with calming poses before bedtime to promote better sleep in children.

To Conclude

Parents or caregivers hold the key to instilling the ancient practices in children's lives. Giving importance to what is essential for the better growth and development of children in their early lives can stop the ever-growing prevalence of autoimmune diseases, allergies and intolerances,

Ayurveda and Yoga are practices of life itself. These sciences teach you to let your child live their best life in rhythm with nature when nature itself heals and nurtures the child.

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Dr. Bhavya

She offers a holistic approach to healing that focuses on the interplay between the body, mind, and spirit. Her expertise in these areas allows her to provide comprehensive care for various conditions, from musculoskeletal disorders to stress-related illnesses. She is dedicated to empowering women to take control of their health and well-being. Her proactive approach to healthcare emphasises the importance of preventive measures and natural remedies.