Written by Dr J S S Dev

Medically reviewed by Dr Naveen Chandran

Updated on March 12, 2025

Dissolve Gallstones Naturally: Herbs & Home Remedies

If we take the worldwide statistics of surgery, cholecystectomy is one of the most common surgeries. Cholycystectomy is the surgical removal of gallbladder stones. What if I tell you that this statistic can be changed with the help of natural gallstone treatments and gallstone home remedies that you should try to avoid surgeries? 
These natural remedies for gallstones cannot dissolve a gallstone completely, but they are capable of reducing the size of your gallstones and also preventing their occurrence. This will help you escape the potential risks of gallstones and gallstone surgeries. Please read on to find out natural remedies for gallbladder cleanse.

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What Causes Gallstones? 

Gallstones are hardened deposits of bile components that form in the gallbladder. What causes gallstones to form? The causes vary, and they may be metabolic, environmental or genetic factors. Gallstones vary in size and composition and may cause symptoms or remain asymptomatic.

So, what causes gallstones?

  • Your liver produces bile, which contains cholesterol, bile salts, bilirubin, and other compounds. An imbalance in the ratio of these components can trigger gallstone formation.
  • In obese individuals or those consuming high-fat diets, the liver secretes excess cholesterol, which can crystallise and form cholesterol gallstones.
  • Certain conditions like liver disease, haemolytic anaemia, or infections can increase the levels of bilirubin, leading to pigment gallstones.
  • In some individuals, the gallbladder, which stores bile, doesn’t empty its contents frequently enough, which leads to bile becoming concentrated, increasing the risk of stone formation. This happens if you follow a rapid weight loss plan, fast for prolonged durations, and so on.
  • In situations like pregnancy or hormone replacement therapy, the rise in oestrogen levels increases the risk of developing gallstones.

Additional risk factors that can put you at risk for gallstones include:

  • The prevalence of gallstones increases with age and is more common in people over 40.
  • Women are more likely to develop gallstones than men.
  • Obesity and rapid weight loss also put you at risk for gallstones.
  • If gallstones run in your family, you are more likely to have them, too, at some point in life.
  • A poor diet that is high in fat and low in fibre can also increase the risk of gallstones.
  • Certain cholesterol-lowering medications are also associated with an increased risk of gallstones.

Natural Remedies for Gallbladder Cleanse

What is the connection between gallstone cleanse and gallstone dissolution? To understand this, it is essential to know the mechanism behind gallstone formation. You can read about it in our blog, which covers Gallbladder stones and their different types. (link)

Dr Isra Ismail, Senior Ayurveda consultant at Nirva Health, explains the treatment principle of gallbladder stones as balancing the body's bio-energy:

 “In Ayurveda, gallstone treatment involves pitta dosha hara chikitsa, which includes pitta dosha-reducing treatments. The key is to reduce cholesterol and bilirubin that may be in excess in gallstone (pitta Kashmiri) patients.”

When it comes to natural remedies for gallbladder stones, many herbs were used in folklore to dissolve gallstones. The following are some herbs recommended by Ayurveda experts with preventive and size-reducing capabilities for gallstones.


The golden herb of Ayurveda, turmeric, contains curcumin. It is choleretic (which promotes regular and uninterrupted bile secretion from the liver) and anti-inflammatory. It may assist your body in liquifying bile fluids and also protect your liver's health. 

How to Consume?

Drink warm milk mixed with turmeric (add a little bit of pepper to promote enhanced absorption of turmeric) either in the morning or at night.

Aloe Vera

It is a fantastic Pitta-reducing herb capable of cleaning the gallbladder of stones. 

How to Consume?

Aloe vera gel, freshly extracted from the leaves and mixed with honey, can be consumed daily to prevent and fight gallbladder stones.

Garlic and Onion

Recent studies indicate that the dietary intake of garlic and onions can reduce cholesterol gallstone size. Garlic oil is found to have effects similar to those of a dissolution agent and dissolves gallstones more effectively.

How to Consume?


Fenugreek can benefit from treating and preventing gallstones. It can impact cholesterol levels and bile composition. It is observed to cause the regression of cholesterol gallstones. 

How to Consume?

You can drink water boiled with fenugreek or include it in your daily diet.

Lemon Juice

Studies show the efficacy of lemon juice in dissolving gallbladder stones. 

How to Consume?

Whenever you feel thirsty, drink lemon juice.

Other traditionally used herbs include milk thistle, peppermint oil, apple cider vinegar, dandelion, etc. The main action of all these herbs is to increase liver health and metabolism. An improvement in liver metabolism, in turn, improves gallbladder health and bile flow. So, that is how these natural remedies cleanse your gallbladder.

Home Remedies for Gallbladder Stones

Home remedies are the most comfortable solution for any health condition. Some home remedies mentioned here are popular among our older generation for treating gallstones. The big selling point of these remedies is that they can be easily made from the comfort of your home. Here are some handpicked home remedies that you can try:

Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix raw apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon) into a glass of hot water. Consume this before meals. It may promote bile flow, help digestion, and prevent gallstone formation.

Dandelion Root Tea

This tea is traditionally used to support liver and gallbladder health. It might help stimulate bile production, promote the bile flow and prevent gallstone formation.

Pepper Mint Tea

Drinking this tea after meals may help relax muscles in the bile duct, promoting bile flow.

Proper Hydration

Drinking plenty of water is essential for optimal gallbladder 

health. If you remain hydrated, your bile won't become too concentrated. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.

If you still need clarification, read what our client, Beatriz Gill(name changed), had to say about her experience. 

“Nirva's diet plan, along with their Ayurvedic treatment plan, miraculously worked on me. I cured my gallstones naturally. Thanks to them, I could say no to surgery.”

-Nirva Client


If you have gallbladder stones, natural and effective remedies are available. These solutions are not only relatively safe but also empower you to take control of your health. 

After all, there's something to say about feeling like you're playing an active role in your journey towards wellness. Remember to be responsible in your choices and prioritise your health above all else.

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Dr J S S Dev

Dr. J S S Dev is a passionate Ayurveda practitioner dedicated to promoting a holistic approach to health and well-being. With a profound understanding of Ayurvedic principles, he focuses on the power of prevention through ancient wisdom. Through insightful teachings and personalised guidance, he empowers individuals to embrace Ayurveda as a way of life, enabling them to proactively prevent diseases and cultivate a path to optimal health. With a firm belief in the body's innate capacity to heal, Dr. Dev is committed to helping people lead enriched lives by harmonising the mind, body, and spirit using the timeless principles of Ayurveda.