medically reviewed by Dr.Aswathy Krishnan

4 mins read
Updated on September 29, 2024

14 Easy Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels Naturally

Healthy blood sugar levels are not just numbers; they denote how you feel daily. They can lift your mood as well as energy levels. Let's unravel the importance of naturally managing your blood sugar and how it can lead to a happy, healthier you!

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Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar

If you have diabetes, poking yourself with insulin is not enjoyable. You must try and lower blood sugars through dietary approaches.

You never know; changing your lifestyle may eliminate the need for medication.

Here are a few ways listed:

1. Conclude Your Meals with Carbohydrates

Research suggests that the order in which we eat foods can affect post-meal blood sugar levels. Eating veggies before your carbs helps keep blood sugar stable after meals. This works great if you especially have type 2 diabetes.

2. Opt for Smaller Meal Portions

Always try to keep carbs under control. Eat in moderation. Even when you are snacking, keep an eye on the carbs you are consuming. Spread your food throughout the day. This helps regulate your blood sugar levels.

3. Add more Fibre

Fibres are the best friends of someone with diabetes. Fibres help in sugar control, weight management and lowering cardiovascular risk. Fibres are best for maintaining overall metabolic health. High-fibre diets can reduce type 2 diabetes risk by 20-30%, per a 2018 study.

4. Fasting the Right Way

One of the recent trends to aid rapid weight loss and manage other health benefits, including lowering blood sugar levels, is 'Circadian Fasting.' You must eat up most of the calories in breakfast and lunch and eat small and early dinners, preferably before 6 p.m. 

Check what Dr.Sruthi says about fasting - Fasting the right way

5. Optimise your Sleep Quality

Inadequate sleep impacts your body's chemistry and worsens blood sugar control. Your hormones -cortisol and melatonins - balance with your sleep and wake-up cycle. If these levels go out of balance, then you increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Lack of sleep is also linked with certain health conditions like obesity, heart disease, and stroke.

6. Go for Whole Grains Over Refined Grains

Consuming whole grains is the best way to provide slow, steady energy for your body. Refined grains are quick bursts of energy which you do not need. Always choose whole grains to stabilise your blood sugar and avoid sudden spikes and crashes.

7. Walks Post Meals

In ayurveda, this is called shatapavali. This means taking atleast 100 steps after a meal. Going for a casual walk after you have recently consumed anything helps your muscles take up the glucose from your food. This helps a lot in reducing post meal blood sugar levels. 

8. Drink Ample Water

Hydration is the key to health in different conditions. When you consume less than half a litre of water daily, you will face an increased risk of blood sugar spike. Drinking a glass of water can play a significant role in diluting and lowering blood sugar levels healthily.

9. Mastering Stress Management

Stress is the new killer. The stress hormones increase the cortisol levels in the blood which makes insulin harder to work optimally. Stress can cause insulin resistance, which means that energy can't get into cells properly. When you're stressed out, your blood sugar tends to rise. Practice yoga and meditation as they help in lowering blood sugar levels. 

Want to dive deeper into cortisol reduction? Read this - Natural Ways to Reduce Cortisol 

10. Don't Skip Breakfast

Never think of skipping breakfast. Skipping breakfast will lead to unstable blood sugar levels and also cause overeating later. Eating a balanced breakfast helps regulate blood sugar throughout the day, promoting better control.

11. Increase your Avocado Consumption

Avocado is a master fruit for your health goals. It is rich in healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre - all-natural ways to manage your metabolic health. Even if you include half an avocado in your meals, it will help you drastically manage your blood sugar levels. It lowers post-meal glucose and enhances blood circulation.

Increase the Intake of Fermented Foods and Drinks

12. Fermented Foods and Probiotics

Fermented foods such as yoghurt, kimchi and kombucha contain probiotics that support gut health and enhance insulin sensitivity. They improve glucose metabolism and the body's ability to respond to insulin. A healthy gut reduces systemic inflammation which is closely linked to inslulin resistance.

13. Avoid Added Sugars

Added suagrs quickly absorb into the blood stream causing immediate sugar spikes. Reducing these sugars help maintain a good blood sugar profile. High sugar also forces the pancreas to secrete more insulin, putting pancrease into a state of fatigue.

14. Vitamin D in Moderation

Vitamin D enhances the body's sensitivity to insulin. It allows the cells to respond better to insulin which is very vital for loweing blood sugar.

Vitamin D also supports the function of pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin.

Home Remedies for Lower Blood Sugar

Managing blood sugar levels is essential for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing diabetes. Here are some home remedies and natural treatments that may help lower blood sugar levels:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

ACV helps reduce blood sugar levels when consumed before meals. It has acetic acid which interferes with the enzymes responsible for carbohydrate breakdown, thus slowing down the absorption of sugars into the blood stream.

2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde that has insulin-mimicking effects.  Cinnamon helps insulin in pushing the glucose into the cells and not the blood stream. cinnamon also slows the rate at which food leaves the stomach in turn reducing the speed of glucose absorption into the blood.

3. Fenugreek

Fenugreek seeds are rich in soluble fibre and compounds that can influence carbohydrate metabolism. The high fibre content in fenugreek slows carbohydrate absorption. Additinally, it contains amino acids that stimulate insulin release, aiding the regulation of blood sugar levels.

4. Bitter Melon

Bitter melon contains compounds like charantin, vicine and polypeptide-p that act like insulin.  This helps in glucose use more efficiently. Bitter melons help in hepatic gluconeogenesis (the process by which kiver produces glucose).

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera improves glucose metabolism in turn reducing fasting blood sugar levels. Compounds in aloevera like phytosterols improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels.

6. Green Tea

Green tea has polyphenol content especially catechins whihc is highly beenficial  in blood sugar regulation. Catechins improe insulin action and also reduce absorptionof glucose in the intestines.

7. Turmeric

Turmeric is one such spice that you can add into any dish. Its active compound, curcumin, enhances body's sensitivity to insulin. This makes the body cells to absorb glucose more effectively. Curcumin also reduces inflammation, thereby improving inslulin function. Turmeric also supports the health of pancreas beta cells. Some research papers also state that turmeric reduces the glucose production by liver.

Pro-Tip: Individual responses to these natural remedies can vary, and they should not replace prescribed medications or medical advice. It's essential to work closely with a healthcare provider to develop a personalised diabetes management plan that suits your specific needs. 

To Sum Up

Balanced blood sugar levels are achievable through exercise, hydration, and balanced nutrition, and they enhance energy, mood, disease prevention, and additional health perks like improved cholesterol and gut health.

Any change in diet needs to be cross-verified with your healthcare provider.

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Ruchika Sehgal

Meet Ruchika Sehgal, your guide to a balanced life. Educator turned lifestyle and wellness writer, she blends her love for literature, culinary arts, and music into transformative words that inspire healthier, happier living.