6 mins read

Does Being Overweight Make Your Knees Hurt?


medically reviewed by Dr Naveen Chandran

Dr Godmi Tresa Sunny

Updated on August 07, 2024

The knee joint acts like a shock absorber and ensures that your legs can walk despite varying degrees of pressure from the upper part of the body. 

Excessive body weight has always been a key reason for your knees to give-away. 

Clinical studies have shown that obesity and overweight are the key causes of common knee conditions like osteoarthritis. Unlike other weight-bearing joints in the body, like the hip joint, the knee is not supported by many surrounding structures. Therefore, the knee joint's total team strength is less, so it is more prone to imbalance. 

Scroll on to understand all you need to know about how your body weight affects your key weight bearer. 

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Your knee joint bears your entire body weight with the help of the thigh bone (femur) at the top, two leg bones(tibia and fibula) below, and a flat bone (patella) between these. The knee joint is one of the strongest joints in the human body. Compared to other joints, knee joint is used throughout the day, even when you sit. 

According to biomechanics experts, your knee joint bears nearly 80% to 85% of your body weight when you sit or stand still. When you walk, run, or roam, the force exerted on your knee joint against gravity is greater (close to 150%), and your knee bears this force or pressure. 

So what happens if you load your knees to their maximum threshold? It finally breaks down. You will eventually not be able to move or even get up. The cartilage and ligaments holding the knee joint in place will become so weak that they will not take the pressure anymore, ultimately breaking apart!

Let us zoom in to understand how the weight is transferred to the knee joint. 

How Your Body Weight Transforms to Knee Joint ?

We know that a joint connects the bones. In the case of the knee joint, three prominent bones, namely the thigh bone (called femur) and the two leg bones (tibia and fibula), are bridged by a patella (flat bone). Now, the critical joint-holders of this arrangement are the ligaments, tendons, and cartilages that ensure firm connectivity to bear body weight for the rest of life. They are like the rope holding a tripod.

These ligaments facilitate enough movement for the knee joint to move smoothly. The patella and the ligaments connecting bones above and below are mainly involved in stretching your knee straight. So, thank your patella and its ligaments the next time you stand or kick your legs straight to break the lazy morning. 

This splendid engineering is topped by cartilages covering the bony structures involved in the knee joint, optimising friction and making you move freely.  

“The weight transformation and the force distribution keep shuttling around this detailed layout constantly, just like your heartbeat. This exchange never stops, even when you are sitting”, says Dr.Sruthi.

When regular distribution of weight around your knee joint goes for a toss with excessive weight gain, the structure start giving up. That's when you start experiencing symptoms such as pain and swelling. But, ‘n’ number of factors decide how your knee can deal with this change. read on to know what they are.

Ways in Which Body Weight Can Affect the Knee Joint

Clinical studies have shown that the knee joint is influenced by one's genetic makeup. Your bone size and the specific arrangement of the surrounding structures are dictated by your genes. Ayurvedic experts have confirmed this, clearly explaining the connection between body constitution, weight gain, and the susceptibility of the knee joint. Here is how it goes. 

  1. The Vata Body Type—This can be compared with the ectomorph metabolic type. Usually, this body type is bony. If not adequately nourished, it can be easily prone to nutritional deficiencies. Vata imbalance can cause dryness of the joint, leading to increased friction, which can affect the knee joint. 
  2. The Pitta Body Type - This type can be related to the mesomorph metabolic type. People of this body type can gain weight quickly. This means that the knee joint for this body type has a constant potential threat. The good news is the pitta type of people can also lose weight quickly. So breathe easy. All you need to do is to discover what lifestyle is suitable for you. 
  3. The Kapha Type - Ah, here comes the tough nut to crack. Kapha's body type has a broad bone structure and is prone to weight gain. An interesting study reveals that kapha body type may have reduced satiety response (ability to feel that the stomach is now complete and to stop eating). This means you can end up overeating by nature. This body type needs supportive lifestyle changes to protect their knee joint from damage due to weight gain. 

Now, you may be anxious about which type you belong to. Don't worry, take your body analysis with our Nirva health experts now. 

Click Here to Take Body Type Quiz

Knee Joint Conditions From Weight Gain

Here are a few conditions that you can be susceptible to with an increased weight on your knees.

1. Knee Pain—This is the first cry of your knee joint that cannot bear anything. Along with weight gain, it can mean many things, like reduced nutrition, any new condition that has set in, localised injury due to weight gain, infection, and stress. Read more in the articleWhy Must You Consult an Expert for Your Knee Joint Pain? about what to know about knee joint pain before you consult a healthcare professional.

2. Osteoarthritis(OA)—This is the degeneration of the joint tissues. It usually sets in due to advancing age, but it can occur early in case of weight gain. If diagnosed early, it can be managed with ease. If left to progress, it can call for a knee replacement. This is the most common complication of the knee joint due to weight gain. 

3. Cartilage Wear and Tear—When a person walks, the force on the knee joint is several times more than the body weight. The same goes when you dance or do sports. Being overweight can damage the cartilage, cushioning the knee joint to the point that they cannot take it anymore.

4. Damage to Foot HealthThe pain in the knee inevitably radiates to the foot. Your knee joint balances the force due to weight above the body and handles the pressure from the base while you stand or walk. Because of the knee joint, your legs do not break due to the thrust from below. Damage to the knee joint due to weight gain can easily affect foot health, which can lead to further issues in other body parts. . 

Weight Management in Knee Pain - A Success Story

"Knee pain prevented Zara from going to the office, and she had been working from home continuously for the third week. However, this was not really helping her career, so Zara was desperate for a solution. While on the lookout for a digital health partner who could take care of her knees while she could go about her work, she found Nirva. Now, she is vibrant and back to her routine", says Zara's health coach at Nirva, Dr.Sruthi Radhakrishnan.

Zara's magical Ayurvedic digital journey with Nirva strengthened her knees and restored her old self. Here is what we did for her smooth healing.

1. Detailed Ayurvedic Counselling—We understood her body type and recommended a few basic lifestyle changes, including early morning practices and nighttime stretches. These helped greatly to handle pain while we reshaped her. 

"Ayurvedic body analysis also helps understand one's own psychological inclinations, " says Dr.Sruthi.

The key areas we need to work on are noted during this session. 

2. Dietary Counselling—Zara's personal Nirva health crew had expert dieticians squeeze all those foods into her diet chart, which can reduce her weight in a tasty and healthy way. This was based on a body analysis and is highly customised. 

3. Personalised Yoga Sessions—This was the magic ingredient of the Nirva health plan to reduce her weight and ease her knees. The bends and twists that Zara's yoga expert cur swept all the extra pounds away from her body.

4. Ever Motivating Health Coaching—Zara had our dedicated health coach team handhold her through the process. This helped her make a few changes whenever needed without delay. 

After 90 days, she returned to work with a broad smile and lighter knees. 

Zara shares her diet tips and practices, which she learnt from Nirva, which have helped her a lot in her journey with us. Here are a few for you.

  • Five cycles of Surya Namaskar Every Day—A set of sun salutation poses has immense health benefits apart from weight maintenance. Two times a week, a diet including fruits and water burns calories faster and adds a lot of nutrients to the bones of the knee joint. 
  • Work Desk Exercises—Simple body movements while working can burn a lot of calories. Feet rotation and leg swinging are two examples. 
  • Sudation—Steaming or sauna is a good way to ease your joints and relax the muscles. This also burns a lot of calories. 
  • Including a lot of Greens and Nuts—Greens, especially spinach and coriander leaves, are rich in antioxidants and can build back the cells that have been lost. Nuts, including almonds and walnuts, can provide the necessary nutrients for strengthening your knee. 

The Bottomline

Weight management is a great way to protect your knees. Maintaining proper body weight is not only needed for your knees but also for overall metabolism and nutrition levels. For instance, vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to weight gain and deprived knee joints. 

Ayurvedic analysis of the self manages not only the knee but the entire self. Our detailed Ayurvedic consultation at Nirva can open doors to a new way of caring for the self. 

If your knee hurts, don't hesitate to contact us now. 

Read more about  Ayurveda And Yoga Guide to Getting Healthy Joints.

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