Medically reviewed by Dr Naveen Chandran
Supportive knee devices are vital in improving quality of life, especially when recovering from a knee injury. The knee joint is the body's largest joint and is too big to fail. Difficulty moving the knee joint, even in mild pain, can significantly impact mobility in daily routine.
That's when simple to advanced assistive devices come in as a boon!
Assistive devices for knee support work in parallel with the knee joint biomechanics.
If you are scrolling and trying to choose the right knee assistive devices, read this blog. We will give you all the pros and cons of different assistive devices for different knee conditions.
Let us look into details of the various supportive devices available and how each one can contribute to improving quality of life. Read on.
'Pain' is the language of the knee joint to convey that it needs some rest and cannot perform its function normally. This simple term encompasses a plethora of knee conditions, ranging from nutritional deficiency and osteoarthritis to falls and surgical interventions.
In the case of knee pain, normal movements of the knee joint are usually restricted. Your knee may starte resisting movement. That is when assistive devices take over the function of the knee joint by passively coordinating the muscle movement. They are like a friend who helps you walk by being a replacement for your painful leg.
These devices reduce dependency on movement, minimise stiffness, and strive to keep blood circulation active in the knee joint.
Studies reveal that people who used assistive devices during their knee treatment had better self-esteem and lowered symptoms of depression and physical falls.
Here are a few key ways in which assistive devices support the knee:
"These assistive devices worldwide are proving to be a great value addition to knee joint treatments.", says Dr. Naveen Chandran, CMO at Nirva who is specialised in ayurvedic orthopaedics.
A wide range of assistive knee support devices is available in the market. In most cases, the treating healthcare provider may recommend the one suitable for you. However, you can also consider your choice after discussing it with your healthcare provider.
Let us take a brief look at some of the commonly used ones.
Apart from these direct assistive devices, a few accessory devices can support minimising movements, such as remote-controlled electronic appliances that can reduce too much movement.
Mechanical and electromechanical devices are more popularly prescribed among all these types of devices.
Read on to know in detail about different assistive devices that are more commonly used among the global population.
Crutches are mechanical devices that help to hold on and proceed with regular movement. Your healthcare provider may consider the crutch for you based on the strength of the upper body, total body weight and other medical conditions.
There are three main types of crutches.
Crutches offload the knee joint and distribute pressure on the arms that can support movement. These are the most common and economical.
If walking is mainly to be made accessible, then you may need to prefer walkers over crutches. Let us see more about them.
Walkers are handy assistive devices that can help you feel closer to regular walking. These are very effective in improving stability after surgery, as well as in severe patella (knee bone) injury and foot injury. There are different types of walkers; depending on your needs, you may choose the right one. Here we go:
Apart from this, you can choose the walker for you based on the ease of gripping. Many types of grips are available in these types of walkers.
When walking is difficult, you may consider using the knee scooters if you need to glide along. Let us know more about them.
Knee scooters facilitate a gliding movement and are more comfortable than traditional crutches. They ease the knee off any load and provide relief while moving. The term knee scooter is often used alternatively with knee walkers.
Knee scooters contain a seat with four wheels, which looks similar to a toddler's cycle modified for adults. There are four types of knee scooters: indoor, outdoor, paediatric, and seated.
This can help you navigate easily and create more comfort on the knees. However, if you are looking for something you can wear, then knee braces can be your choice. Let us look into them.
Knee braces embrace the knee wide enough to support movement and healing. This is the most preferred assistive device among athletes and other sports professionals. There are four main types of knee braces.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons clinically validates using four types of knee braces.
Of all these types of assistive devices, how do we choose what we need? Let us see what experts have to say about this.
"Restricting movement is a vital aspect of healing your knee. All that this largest joint of the body needs is some time to rejuvenate itself. These assistive devices give precisely this", says Dr. Naveen.
When looking for an assistive device, it is crucial to consider a few factors.
Ideally, assistive knee support devices are important for reducing the strain on the knees. It helps the joint heal well. The secret recipe to healing your injured knee is to support you in choosing the best device for you.
There are several assistive devices for knee support. Every day, science surprises us with remarkable value additions.
Contact your healthcare provider to identify the right assistive device for you.
In case of an early diagnosis of a knee problem, using assistive devices can support treatment outcomes. However, in case of severe conditions, knee surgery may be needed.
Functional and rehabilitative knee braces are designed to improve treatment outcomes after knee surgery.
Apparently, healthy people need not use knee assistive devices. Otherwise, there are no alarming contraindications for these assistive devices.
The main drawback is adaptability. You may need separate assistive devices for home, work, and any other purpose since surface and purpose may differ.
There are many cost-effective assistive devices that are budget-friendly. You can discuss options with your care provider.
Dr. Nyshu Abdul Azeez
Nyshu Abdul Azeez, an enthusiastic ayurvedic practitioner with good experience and skill who shapes her knowledge and practice for maximising patient wellness. Her thrust areas are women's health, cosmetology, preventive life style and yoga. She has been married for twelve years and leading blissful life balancing work and family