Written by Dr. Bhavya

Medically reviewed by Dr.Kushboo Jain

Updated on January 31, 2025

Everything About Practising Yogic Bandhas with Face Yoga for Skin Rejuvenation

Have you ever heard of Bandhas in Yoga? It's not something new and modern. It is a part of traditional yoga. Yes, yoga is not just about movements and flexibility. It's a complete pandora's box of making you glow inside out. 

Bandhas are one of the yoga techniques that will help you get that glow on your skin, especially your face. Bandhas cleanse your inner energy. 

So, here's a unique combination of face yoga techniques with bandhas for you to change your beauty game!

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What is Bandha?

In Yogic science, practising 'bandha' is a technique used to regulate the body's flow of prana (life force energy). In the Indian language of traditional medicine, Sanskrit, bandha means 'lock' or 'bind'.

These are very energetic locks and involve specific muscle contractions to direct the flow of prana.

In yogic science, there are 4 types of bandhas explained.

  • Mula Bandha
  • Uddiyana Bandha
  • Jalandhara Bandha
  • Maha Bandha

1. Mula Bandha (Root Lock)

Mula Bandha is also known as the ‘root lock’ or ‘perineal lock’. 

It is engaged by contracting the muscles around the perineum, the area between the genitals and anus. This lock is said to ground and stabilise the body and to redirect prana energy upwards.

2. Uddiyana Bandha (Diaphragm Lock)

Uddiyana Bandha is also known as the "abdominal lock" or "upward belly lock". 

It is engaged by drawing the navel back towards the spine and lifting the diaphragm upwards. This lock is said to tone the abdominal muscles, improve digestion, and stimulate the internal organs.

3. Jalandhara Bandha (Throat Lock)

Jalandhara Bandha is also known as the "throat lock" or "chin lock". 

You can practise this bandha by pressing your chin against the chest. This lock soothes the mind, promotes relaxation, and conserves prana energy of your body.

4. Maha Bandha (Great Lock)

Maha Bandha is the simultaneous engagement of all three other bandhas: Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Jalandhara Bandha. It is the most powerful bandha. It gives a positive effect on the body and mind.

All these bandhas are a unique tool for yogis at all levels. These locks are often used with yoga poses (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayama) to double their effects.

Benefits of Combining Bandhas With Face Yoga

Yes, face yoga is not just about using facial expressions and different products like glow-serums to enhance the glow of your face. Activating your inner energy to connect your gut and other organs  for a healthy skin is also a part. That is why Nirva experts recommend you combine face yoga with different forms of bandhas.

Bandhas add an energetic dimension to your face yoga practice. 

Here's how the combination benefits you. 

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1. Focused Energy Flow

Face yoga exercises enhance blood circulation to a specific area, improving the nutrition and oxygen supply. Now, practising bandhas adds to this benefit. 

Bandhas act like internal dams, momentarily redirecting this energy flow. Holding a Bandha during a Face Yoga pose allows you to concentrate the boosted circulation towards the muscles you're targeting, potentially enhancing the toning and sculpting effects of face yoga poses.

2. Deeper Facial Workout

You must have used resistance bands during your yoga sessions. But did you know that you can energetically engage your core without the help of these resistance bands? 

Yes, when you practise bandhas, especially mula bandhas or uddiyana bandhas, they create a similar pull or strength on your core muscles. Holding a bandha while practising face yoga poses engages your core muscles, creating a more challenging and effective workout for your facial muscles.

3. Improved Lymphatic Drainage

When you practise bandhas, it stimulates the lymphatic system to push the body's waste products out. By doing this, bandhas enhance rejuvenation of the face.Practising bandhas with Face Yoga together promotes better toxin drainage and contributes to a brighter, more radiant complexion.

4. Combined Stillness and Movement

Practising Face yoga exercises provides the movement needed to stimulate and tone the facial muscles. Bandhas are the opposite. They involve practising stillness by engaging specific muscle locks. 

When you combine both of these practices, you take a holistic approach. Together, they become the best yoga for glowing skin. The movement improves circulation, while the stillness directs and focuses energy flow. This synergy can benefit your skin by promoting a healthy balance between stimulation and relaxation.

Techniques and Practices of Different Bandhas With Face Yoga

Here's a modified approach to bandhas, incorporating them specifically for facial rejuvenation. Note that performing these Bandhas with an empty breath (after exhaling) is essential.

1. Mula Bandha (Root Lock)

Mula Bandha engages your core and pelvic floor muscles. This deep engagement of core muscles can give your facial muscles a more effective workout. It is just like adding resistance bands to intensify your regular exercise routines.

How to Perform?

  • Sit in a comfortable position with a straight spine and legs crossed.
  • Imagine you are trying to stop yourself from passing urine or gas. Just like holding them in, gently contract the pelvic floor muscles.
  • Keep holding this contact for a few seconds.
  • Avoid excessive straining.
  • After at least 10 seconds, release the contraction and breathe normally.
  • Repeat these steps at least 5-10 times.

2. Uddiyana Bandha (Diaphragm Lock)

Uddiyana bandha improves circulation and energises the whole body. 

How to Perform?

  • Sit in a cross-leg position comfortably, with a straight spine.
  • Now, exhale completely, like emptying your lungs.
  • As you exhale, draw your navel in very gently. This will look like you are sucking your stomach in.
  • While you do this, avoid straining.
  • After at least 5 seconds, release the contraction slowly.

3. Jalandhara Bandha (Throat Lock - Modified for Face Yoga)

Jalandhara bandha is usually performed along with pranayama to give your face the perfect breathwork with face yoga practice!

How to Perform?

  • Start by sitting in a comfortable position
  • Keep your spine straight.
  • Gently move your neck forward and downwards, gently tucking your chin on your chest.
  • Maintain a soft touch and avoid straining your neck.
  • Hold for a few seconds, and then slowly lift your chin back to the neutral position.

3. Maha Bandha

This is the simultaneous engagement of all three main Bandhas - Mula Bandha (Root Lock), Uddiyana Bandha (Diaphragm Lock), and Jalandhara Bandha (Throat Lock). 

  • This bandha requires you to hold your breath after exhaling. This can strain your facial muscles when combined with face yoga poses. So make sure that you practise maha bandha only after you have been through the above three bandhas.

All four bandhas described here are modified versions of the Bandhas for facial rejuvenation. You must make sure that you consult face yoga experts before practising the bandhas.

Additional Tips for Practising Face Yoga with Bandhas

When you perform bandhas, you may feel that you are concentrating too much on the blocking part of it. But remember that you are performing face yoga, too. Concentrate on bringing happiness and a glow to your face!

  • Focus majorly on maintaining a soft expression on your face. Avoid furrowing your brows or clenching your jaws.
  • Hold the bandhas for a few seconds and slowly increase the duration as you become comfortable.
  • It is best that you practise these bandhas on an empty stomach.

The modified versions of Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Jalandhara Bandha you learned here are more suitable for facial rejuvenation because they focus on specific areas and avoid breath holding.

Action Plan!

Practising bandhas with yoga is another part of the explorative traditional yoga journey. They offer unique techniques and enhance the meditative aspects of yogic science.

Are you curious to explore these practices? Start slowly, prioritise form and consult a yoga expert for personalised guidance!

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Dr. Bhavya

She offers a holistic approach to healing that focuses on the interplay between the body, mind, and spirit. Her expertise in these areas allows her to provide comprehensive care for various conditions, from musculoskeletal disorders to stress-related illnesses. She is dedicated to empowering women to take control of their health and well-being. Her proactive approach to healthcare emphasises the importance of preventive measures and natural remedies.