5 mins read

Why Must You Consult an Expert for Your Knee Joint Pain?


medically reviewed by Dr Godmi Tresa

Dr J S S Dev

Updated on August 01, 2024

Why are knee problems the most common joint issues? There is a strong reason for it. 
The knee is the most critical weight-bearing joint of the body. It can significantly impact daily life and other aspects.

So, if your knee hurts, do not overlook it.  

This blog aims to educate you about when and why you should consult a healthcare professional for knee problems. Read on. 

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Understanding When to See a Doctor for Knee Pain 

Should you rush to the doctor when you feel slight knee pain, or should you wait until it becomes unbearable?

“The moment you experience pain that makes you want to avoid walking or standing or a pain you experience for 48 hours at a stretch, you need not wait to get professional help.” - Dr Israa Ismail, Senior Ayurveda Consultant at Nirva

Do you know how complex knee joints are? Your knee combines your thigh, and two leg bones connected by a round knee bone called the patella. This arrangement contains important muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. Your knee pain or any discomfort around the knee can arise from anywhere around this connectivity. 

What Can Be the Cause of Your Knee Discomfort?

There can be many causes, from a daily routine incident to some health conditions related to the knee. However, surprisingly, a few things in your lifestyle can affect your knees, such as uncomfortable footwear, improper foot posture, excessive body weight, not receiving enough nutrition and improper exercise routines.

If knee pain from these or any other cause limits your mobility to the extent that it sometimes makes it difficult to attend the loo, then it's time to visit the doctor for an early diagnosis. 

Why is Early Diagnosis Important? 

A stitch in time saves nine.

If you visit a healthcare expert due to knee pain or discomfort, you are not only saving your knee; you could also be saving your foot or hip or any other silent illness inside the body. Your knee pain can be a symptom of other bone-related health conditions. 

For example, sometimes a problem at your hip joint is felt as knee pain as the pain radiates to the knee.

So, early diagnosis is crucial before you rely on home remedies.

Ayurvedic experts at Nirva further suggest that getting your body analysed can give you a deep insight into why you are experiencing pain and how to prevent it. 

Signs That Tell You That You Have Knee Joint Problems 

A few preclinical signs can help predict future knee pain even before pain manifests. You can use these clues to stay aware and get prompt healthcare support. Ayurvedic experts explain a few premonitory signs of knee problems. 

1. Stiffness—Your knee joint may experience occasional or frequent short-lived stiffness. This usually goes unnoticed. You may shake your legs or try spot jumping and assure yourself nothing is wrong. 

2. Crackling Sounds—If you hear crackling sounds from the knee joint, especially while sitting and getting up from the floor, you must listen more carefully. This primarily indicates a lack of proper nutrition and lubrication in the knee joint. If left untreated, this can lead to severe knee joint pain. 

3. Heaviness Around Knees—A sudden unexplained heaviness around the knee, typically when you get up from your chair, is a sure sign of a knee problem and can progress into knee pain. This may be due to fluid accumulation, which is sometimes even associated with dull pain. 

When the proper movement of Vata dosha (the bioenergy of movement) in the body is obstructed in the knee joint, it causes pain. What has obstructed Vata is the puzzle only an Ayurvedic expert can solve. It can be improper nutrition, infection, or other underlying disease.” - Dr Israa Ismail, Senior Ayurveda Consultant at Nirva

Having said that, who should you approach if you have knee pain? Let's look at various professionals who can support your knee care. 

How to Choose the Right Joint Expert for Your Knees?

Collaborative treatment for knee joints has set a trend in the healthcare approach. This helps to fill the lacuna of one particular school of thought, offering a complete solution without side effects and knowledge to prevent recurrence. Here are a few key healthcare professionals who can help you set your knee right. 

1. Orthopaedists—Orthopaedists are skilled medical professionals who can physically diagnose what has gone wrong with your knee using X-rays and other associated diagnostic criteria. They may suggest palliative treatments and, in extreme cases, may recommend surgery. Approaching an Orthopaedist for knee pain is an excellent choice for early diagnosis. 

2. Ayurvedic Expert—An Ayurvedic healthcare expert can help you analyse your knee joint, with equal importance given to the anatomical changes in your knees and a complete body analysis. They will help you determine if your diet, nutrition, and lifestyle relate to your knee joint issue. You can get comprehensive information about a holistic approach just for you.

3. Dietician—Some foods can aggravate certain knee conditions. For example, spinach may worsen symptoms of gouty arthritis. A dietician will consider your current condition, dietary preferences, and other factors before suggesting a customised diet. 

4. Yoga expert—We can never forget a yoga professional discussing holistic health. Yoga can streamline the flow of Vata, improve nutrition supply, and improve blood circulation to the knee joint. Yogic poses also support weight management and reduce pressure on the knee joint. Yoga experts can train you on poses specific to your condition and help you improve your knee. 

5. Physiotherapists—These professionals can educate you well on your posture and recommend posture corrections. They may also recommend supportive devices if you need one. 

The above professionals may make use of specific diagnostic tools to understand  the total functioning of your knee.

Here are some standard diagnostic methods you may have to undergo before the experts can determine the cause of your knee joint issues.

- X-rays - This can identify any deformity in and around the bones of your knee joint.

- MRI scan - This scan can help identify the exact area of damage in and around the knee. For instance, ligament tear or cartilage damage can be identified in an MRI scan. 

- Supportive Blood Tests - Blood tests for vitamin and mineral deficiency may be needed to support some diagnosis.

Apart from this, other specific tests may also be recommended for further diagnosis based on the individual. This intends to identify the knee problem and troubleshoot it accurately. 

Sometimes, after consulting one professional, you may want to affirm the information you have received, for which you may consider a second opinion.

You should consider getting a detailed opinion from an Ayurvedic expert to understand your body type (Click Here to take a body type quiz), check if your lifestyle syncs with your body's nature, and holistically diagnose your knee pain. 

Virtual Consultations for Your Knee Joint Problems

With advancing technology and a demanding workload, virtual consultations are a boon for preventive healthcare. You can discuss your knee pain with a top professional at your convenience. Virtual and teleconsultations have made healthcare so accessible that early diagnosis and prevention of severe health issues have become easy. 

At Nirva, we are at your reach wherever you are and in whichever time zone you may be. Our teleconsultations and virtual consultations are at par with in-person consultations, and you can rest assured of being cared for. 

Apart from consultations, specific yoga sessions offered virtually can accommodate yoga in your daily schedule. Our health coaches go a step further by constantly motivating you to follow the recommendations made for you, taking your mind off the responsibility of complying. 

We help you resolve your knee joint problems, just a call away. 

Experience our virtual consultations today. 


Your knee is one of the pillars of your everyday life. An impaired knee can stop your progress in many ways. To start with, it is crucial to understand your body type and what suits you the best.

Early diagnosis of knee pain can prevent major problems and maintain quality of life. Our Nirva health crew can provide a holistic consultation. 

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