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Maintain Your Hip Joint Health with Ayurveda


medically reviewed by Dr Naveen Chandran

Dr Godmi Tresa Sunny

Updated on August 02, 2024

The hip joint connects the upper vital parts of the body with the lower ones. Along with connecting the critical operative structures, the hip joint hosts the reproductive system in both genders. It is the fulcrum of locomotion in the body and plays a crucial role in balancing the digestive system and the body's mobility. moreover, in case of excessive fat or fluid accumulation, the body loosens the skin around hip joint to store the fat as it can make more space. Hip joint and the associated organs in it have a vital role to play in every aspect of survival.  So, its importance is very much evident. 

The hip joint is too large to fail. Any damage to it may lead to unprecedented consequences. For instance, if you are obese due to a sedentary lifestyle, again, it is the hip joint that has taken the hit. 

Let's learn more about the Ayurvedic perspective on the hip joint and how common hip joint issues can be addressed in this way. 

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Understanding Hip Joint Health in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, the hip joint has a balanced form of vata dosha, enhancing flexibility and movement. It's a junction where your upper and lower bodies unify.

Here are a few essential hip joint functions related to our daily routine.

  1. Walking - The hip joint is constantly under movement while walking. Our legs are in proper alignment due to the positioning of the hip joint. 
  2. Sitting - The Hip joint bears the weight of the upper body heavily. It takes the entire strain during prolonged sitting and is responsible for proper nervous coordination. 
  3. Body Weight Maintenance - The hip joint balances the body weight.
  4. Important Energy Centre - According to yoga experts, two main energy points (chakras) originate at the hip joint - Mooladhara chakra (the root energy point for power) and Swadhisthana chakra (the energy point for purity represented by the orange colour). 
  5. Vital Role in Women - The hip joint is significant for women, as the hip bone health is vital during pregnancy, labour, menstruation and menopause. 

And the list goes on. Ayurvedic experts and research studies explain certain practices that can improve hip joint health. 

  1. Oil massage - Regular massage over the hip joint can keep Vata balanced and strengthen the muscles and nerves. 
  2. Yogic poses - Practising yoga asanas can maintain the flexibility of the hip joint and relieve minor disorders. 
  3. Aroma oils - Aroma oils like thyme and rosemary can improve blood flow to the hip joint. 
  4. Consumption of Ayurvedic herbs - Inflammation in the hip joint can disturb harmony and daily life. Ayurvedic herbs like turmeric, ginger, and basil can help reduce inflammation of the hip joint. 

Let us understand more about Ayurvedic treatments that can support hip joint health.

Ayurvedic Treatments for Healthy Hip Joint 

Clinical studies mention many Ayurvedic treatments that can support hip joint health. All these treatments aim to improve Vata balance, which includes strengthening the muscles and enhancing nerve-muscle coordination. Let's check out the key Ayurvedic therapies for hip joints. 

Kati Vasti  (Retaining Medicated Oil)

Kati means lower hip region, and Vasti means to hold or retain. This is an excellent treatment to rejuvenate the lumbar and sacral regions of the hip joint. In this treatment, a boundary around the area to be concentrated is made using a dough made of gram flour. Heated medicated oil is poured inside the area marked by the dough. The oil is allowed to be retained for some time.

Several studies have proven that this technique relieves pain and strengthens the bone and hip muscles. It is the first choice of treatment for low back and hip pain. It is also used in case of dislocation and disc prolapse. 

This can regenerate bone cells in case of cell deterioration and relieve nerve compression in the hip joint. 

Taila Dhara (Slow Pouring of Oil)

Studies have shown that Taila Dhara ( Taila means oil, Dhara means to flow), making warm oil drop and flow on the hip joint, relieves pain fast and restores movement. This is beneficial for Vascular necrosis (bone tissue death due to lack of blood supply) of the hip joint and sciatica (compression of the sciatic nerve). 

Nadi Sweda (Herbal Steaming)

If there is a pre-existing inflammation, at times, oil may not be the right choice. Steam coming out of the concoction made from vata balancing herbs like castor leaf and leaves of Aegle marmelos (Bilwa) can be exposed on the hip joint area. You will experience pain and stiffness melting away with ease. 

Lepana (Herbal Paste Application)

The aim is to make those potent herbs somehow penetrate the bones and strengthen them. An herbal paste application called lepa can do this perfectly. A thick paste of herbs that can reduce vata is applied as a pack over the hip joint area and can be retained for some time.Then, this is removed, and the area is steamed using a hot cloth to open pores, and then it is allowed to calm down. 

Ideally, combination therapies work well. For instance, all these treatments, followed by a warm oil massage, can improve blood circulation, support muscle movement, and nourish the nerves. 

Having said that, how do you choose the right therapy? Your choice must be specific to your hip condition. Understanding your body type is essential for choosing the right treatment. 

There is an exciting connection between individual body composition and hip joint health. Let us check it out.

Take this Prakriti (Ayurvedic Body Type) analysis quiz. Click Here!

Individual Doshas and Hip Joint Health

Doshas are the DNA material that makes you unique among several others similar to you. They are the Ayurvedic counterpart of today's genetic analysis. Every dosha is a combination of two elements, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, which are the five elements of this planet.  So what prakriti are you? Did you take the quiz yet?

We are made of all three doshas; however, a few aspects may be predominant. This makes the individual belong to that particular dosha type. The structure and nature of the hip joint depend on the individual dosha type. For example: 

  1. The nature of the hip joint in a Vata person—In those individuals where Vata is dominant, bones tend to be narrow. The hip girdle is small and bony. These people need to take preventive measures to protect their hip joints. Oil massage and oil application help them. 
  2. The nature of the hip joint in a pitta person—In those who are pitta dominant, the hip bone structure is medium-sized and well-aligned. Ghee consumption and sweating therapy can help these individuals. 
  3. The nature of hip joints in kapha people—Kapha individuals are rich in earth elements. Their bone build is usually heavy. Hip joints for these individuals may be wide and strong. 

For those who are predominant in two or more doshas, the structure and tendency of the hip joint vary accordingly. Nirva Ayurvedic experts can help you know your joint type. 

External therapy may not be complete without caring for diet and mental health. Here are a few Ayurvedic diets and lifestyle practices that can support hip joint health. 

Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle for Hip Joint Health 

Many foods strengthen bones. Ayurvedic experts suggest a combination of diet and lifestyle practices to support hip joint treatment. Here are the important ones. 

  1. Millets - Protein is essential for improving joint health. Ideally, make your breakfast protein-rich by filling it with millet-based recipes. 
  2. Fenugreek - Clinically, fenugreek is found to improve bone and joint health. Consuming it and warm buttermilk can support its absorption into the blood. 
  3. Milk (In those who are lactose tolerant) - Milk is a storehouse of almost all nutrients except a few. Consuming enough milk can support gut bacteria, which are involved in inflammatory pathways and hormone health. These bacteria support hip joint health. 
  4. Mix of Nuts - Mix almonds, pistachios, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds and chia seeds. You can roast them individually and mix them for added taste. Add puffed rice to this and mix well. You can add mint paste and tomato sweet sauce to add flavour. This mouthwatering snack is full of nutrients and can nourish your hip bone. 

Now, it's time to put these pieces together. Let's see a sample Ayurvedic routine for good hip joint health.

Ayurvedic Routine for Hip Joint Health

Before you get out of bed, start your morning with early morning in-bed hip stretches. Raise your leg in the side plank position for 5 to 6 times on both sides. Then, sit erect, rotate your foot, and jump up for an energetic morning. Start-of-the-day positive affirmations are very helpful for reducing mental stress. 

After freshening up, 15 to 20 minutes of yoga asanas can prepare your nerves, muscles, and bones of the hip joint for the day's challenges. Include ample protein in your breakfast and complement the same with adequate water consumption.

During the day, simple hip rotation and work desk exercises can maintain blood circulation in the hip region whenever you find time. Consume enough fibre for lunch. Include spinach, greens and yoghurt. 

In the evening, mixed-nut snacks can be nutritious snacks. A relaxing evening walk is very beneficial for the hip joint.  

Finally, make your supper rich in fruits and milk after a long day. Before you doze off, practice this bedtime leg stretch.

  1. Lie flat on your back.
  2. Raise both the legs at right angles to your body and bring them down.
  3. Repeat 5 to 6 times.

You can also consider meditation before sleep for a mental detox. 

Our Nirva health crew can customise this routine to fit your medical needs and lifestyle. 


Hip joint health is vital to prevent several disorders. You can strengthen your hip and prevent it from getting damaged by a physical hit or a nutritional deficiency. Your typical hip joint routine must include a good diet, physical routine, and mindfulness practice. 

If you have any medical constraints like diabetes, hypertension or an existing hip joint condition, an excellent Ayurvedic consultation can help you with the same. 

Book your consultation with us today. Here are a few FAQs about hip joints which may help you. 

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