Medically reviewed by Dr Neethu
Each woman has a different story of menopause, a different journey to speak about and a different cure to seek. But the one common thing was how menopause and perimenopause drastically transitioned their lives, with a constant volcano of hot flashes and sleepless nights with night sweats! So, what works like a wonder for overcoming these symptoms? We asked Nirva health experts.
“Among the many treatments, the one which proved to be effective for all women to reduce their menopausal symptoms is Yoga,” says Dr Sruthi Radhakrishnan, Senior Health Coach at Nirva.
This blog will look into the best Yoga poses for Menopause and perimenopause symptoms. Specifically, we will discuss yoga poses for hot flashes and night sweats.
Menopause is a natural transition period. It officially begins when you miss your period for a year. The years that build into Menopause that is, the perimenopause phase, is also a massive period of transition. It is the beginning of puberty. It can bring up different problems and emotions which are individual-specific. Hot flashes and night sweats are the most common and most disturbing symptoms of Menopause.
A typical characterisation of hot flashes includes sudden and intense warm sensations which spread all over your body. Flushing of skin in the face, neck and chest often accompanies this. Usually, this lasts from a few seconds to several minutes.
The other concerning symptom, night sweats, are the hot flashes during sleep. It results in disrupted sleep due to excessive sweating and drenching of night clothes.
During this natural transition of your body, the hormonal levels of oestrogen and progesterone decline drastically. This decline can affect the temperature control of your body and make your body sensitive to slight changes in your body temperature. This sensitivity causes exaggerated reactions to the minute temperature fluctuations, resulting in hot flashes and night sweats. Some of the trigger factors of these two symptoms are:
From my clinical experiences, I can safely say Yoga works as a fantastic therapy in managing menopausal symptoms. Many studies, including the ones published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the journal Menopause, underline the positive impact of Yoga on menopausal women.
Overall benefits of Yoga on menopause symptoms include:
As discussed earlier in this blog, hot flashes and night sweats occur due to the improper functioning of your body's temperature regulation due to hormonal imbalance. Hence, practising yoga poses that can help regulate body temperature and reduce stress is the ideal way to practise Yoga for hot flashes and night sweats. Yes, this is the logic behind practising yoga sequences for Menopause, especially practising calming Yoga for hot flashes.
Let us look into some of the poses that can help:
The word "sheetali" itself means cooling. As the name suggests, it is a cooling breathing exercise and a straightforward practice you can perform anywhere at any time.
Remember always to inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose.
It cools the body, improves concentration, increases oxygen intake, and improves digestion. Many women find this Yoga alone very beneficial for dealing with their hot flashes.
This posture is also similar to sheetali Pranayama. Here, you can practise the same procedure slightly differently. Let us look at how:
It has the same benefits as the Sheetali Pranayama.
Pranayama is the ultimate Yoga for balancing the pitta in your body. Pitta dosha is responsible for your body's temperature. Pranayama is a helpful practice for managing hot flashes and night sweats during Menopause.
By practising these techniques, you can easily regulate your body temperature irrespective of hormonal fluctuations. Experience a hot flash and night sweat-free life. Practice Yoga daily and feel the difference.
Menopause is another experiment you must pass to become stronger as a woman. This phase with imbalanced hormones has the potential to make your life imbalanced; never allow it.
Yoga can be a helpful solution for women going through Menopause who experience hot flashes and night sweats. Incorporating simple yoga poses and sequences into a daily routine can relieve discomfort, improve sleep quality, and promote balance. It is essential to listen to your body and find the best practices for you, as Yoga's soothing and empowering practices can support a transformative journey towards wellness.
Hormonal changes, specifically a decline in estrogen and progesterone levels, lead to temperature regulation issues, causing hot flashes and night sweats.
Stress, anxiety, smoking, spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol can trigger hot flashes and night sweats.
Yoga reduces cardiovascular risks, improves flexibility, strengthens bones, enhances sleep, lowers stress and anxiety, manages mood swings, and improves overall coping mechanisms.
Poses such as Sheetali Pranayama, Sheetkari Pranayama, Horse's Pose (Ashwasanchalanasana), and Pranayama techniques like Alternate Nostril Breathing can help manage hot flashes and night sweats.
Pranayama, such as Alternate Nostril Breathing and Skull Shining Breathing, balances the body's temperature-regulating pitta dosha, reducing the occurrence of hot flashes and night sweats.
Dr J S S Dev
Dr. J S S Dev is a passionate Ayurveda practitioner dedicated to promoting a holistic approach to health and well-being. With a profound understanding of Ayurvedic principles, he focuses on the power of prevention through ancient wisdom. Through insightful teachings and personalised guidance, he empowers individuals to embrace Ayurveda as a way of life, enabling them to proactively prevent diseases and cultivate a path to optimal health. With a firm belief in the body's innate capacity to heal, Dr. Dev is committed to helping people lead enriched lives by harmonising the mind, body, and spirit using the timeless principles of Ayurveda.