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Can You Get Pregnant While Perimenopausal ?


medically reviewed by Dr Naveen Chandran

Dr. Nyshu Abdul Azeez

Updated on July 25, 2024

If you have attained menopause and are still yearning to bear a child, you are not alone. Giving more space for career stability, the world over, women today are taking more time to plan their pregnancies. 
Though natural pregnancy is impossible after menopause, progressive assisted reproductive technology can help you get pregnant. 
This blog can guide you to understand all that you need to know about pregnancy after menopause,  expected challenges during pregnancy, treatments available and all its pros and cons.  Let us discuss this further! 

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Chances of  Getting Pregnant During Menopause

Natural pregnancy is not possible after menopause as both the quantity and quality of the ovum and the strength of the uterus reduce. Amongst various factors, active ovulation is very essential for successful conception. 

During prime reproductive age, ovulation is usually regular, so an active and healthy egg is available for the sperm to fertilise. 

As age advances, ovulation becomes irregular due to a decline in female hormones. Hence, the availability of vibrant and healthy eggs becomes scarce. 

This is precisely why natural pregnancy is tough, even if you have unprotected sexual intercourse and are trying enough.  

Apart from ovulation, good nutrition, avoiding smoking and alcohol, physical fitness, optimum body weight, mental health and adequate rest are other factors needed for successful pregnancy. 

What to Expect Out of a Fertility Test?

If you are planning your pregnancy in menopause, a fertility test is needed to assess your chances of becoming pregnant. It may include

  1. Essential pelvic examination (a physical examination to check the size and shape of the uterus and ovaries)  
  2. A hormonal profile to check your hormone levels 
  3. Ultrasound scanning to check your ovaries and uterus 
  4. Anti-Mullerian hormone test to check your ovarian reserve (number of eggs left in your ovaries)
  5. Other tests to assess overall health 

Contraception and Family Planning during Perimenopause

Have you ever wondered how birth control can help pregnancy? Well, they can support you in many ways, especially if you are planning a pregnancy in menopause and perimenopause. 

Contraceptives during menopause are known to 

  • Help keep up regularity in ovulation- The Rhythm Method.
  • Boost up haemoglobin levels and prevent iron deficiency. 
  • Support folic acid metabolism to avoid pernicious anaemia. 
  • Enhance bone strength to a large extent. 
  • Handle various postmenopausal difficulties like migraine, hot flashes and mood swings.
  • On the aesthetic front, it improves skin tone and blocks acne eruptions 
  • Avoid certain types of cancer. 

All of the above are vital for a successful pregnancy. So, your doctor may put you on contraceptives if you are planning pregnancy during ypur menopausal transition. 

Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy Around Menopause - What Is the New?

How do you realise that you have reached menopause? Interestingly, signs of menopause and perimenopause may be similar to those of pregnancy. Clinical confirmation may be necessary. 

Common signs of menopause include: 

  • Absence of periods 
  • Mood swings 
  • Fatigue 
  • Feeling of cramps in the abdomen 
  • Weight gain 
  • Physical changes in the breast 

As you see how similar these signs are with pregnancy, you may easily be excited that a baby is growing within you. However, if you are above 45, getting a clinical confirmation before jumping to a conclusion is advisable. 

Now, what if you are pregnant after menopause? All symptoms of pregnancy follow but with increased intensity. You may need to focus more on nutrition and physical rest. 

Measured physical activity with professional guidance may be vital. You may be advised to continue contraceptives to support the foetus. 

Fertility Treatments and Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Menopause

Cheer up! Many supportive techniques can help you walk into motherhood around and after menopause. A few of them are: 

IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation

In this case, your doctor may suggest you use donor eggs to enable fertilisation in a lab and transfer it into your uterus. If you have a clear idea of planning pregnancy after 45 and have preserved your eggs or embryo, you can bank on them. 

FET—Frozen Embryo Transfer

This method is becoming highly successful globally. In this case, a previously frozen embryo is directly implanted into the uterus. You may discuss this possibility with your doctor. 

IUI - Intrauterine Insemination

The sperm is injected into the uterus to fertilise with the egg. 

ICST: Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

This advanced technique hits the bull’s eye. One single sperm is directly injected into the centre of the egg. 


This is the second most opted technique for pregnancy in menopause. Ideally, a third party is hired to bear the child and deliver your baby with all medico-legal procedures.  

Risks of Pregnancy During Perimenopause

Common risks associated with pregnancy around menopause include but are not limited to

  1. Preeclampsia - High blood pressure around 20 weeks may put the mother and baby at risk 
  2. Miscarriage - Several attempts may be needed before a viable foetus sets into the uterus 
  3. Preterm Birth - Chances of premature birth are higher in pregnancies after menopause 
  4. Chromosomal Abnormalities —Late pregnancies may be high in the expression of recessive genes (those genes that usually have a low probability of expression) or the chances of genetic abnormalities. However, this may be avoided with donor eggs from a young donor or with the help of surrogacy.

Few other complications may be assessed depending on your age and medical history. 

Role of Diet and Lifestyle for Successful Pregnancy during Perimenopause  - Ayurvedic View

A planned Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle regimen, especially after undergoing a thorough body constitution analysis,  can act as an elixir during pregnancy after menopause. 

It can help in: 

  • Maintaining energy levels to keep you active throughout your pregnancy
  • Supplying all the necessary vitamins and minerals in the correct quantity at the right time 
  • Ensuring good absorption and utilisation of all the nutrients
  • Avoiding complications of pregnancy and manage side effects of medications 

Certain foods, like turmeric and neem, can help detox unwanted elements from your body. This can support the growing foetus and keep the mother healthy. 

Here are a few herbs that you can binge on during your pregnancy after menopause: 


You can season your morning salad with grated ginger to add taste and health. This helps to control nausea and vomiting and improves digestion. 


This can support healthy sleep and is an excellent stress buster. Ideally, you can take it as a tea to treat your palate. 


Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine have been widely recommended to pregnant women since ancient times. It helps improve digestion, aid in muscle strength, and promote lactation.  


It helps reduce bloating and flatulence. It can also improve your oral health during pregnancy. 

Evening Primrose

Several studies have shown that this wonder herb can regulate female hormones. It is hence used to treat thyroid and other hormone imbalances. During pregnancy and menopause, this can be a great value addition to your diet. 

To Conclude 

It is important to assess individual health status and possible assisted techniques that suit you with your healthcare expert to plan your pregnancy after menopause. 

It is equally important to be wary of the risks involved. A profound Ayurvedic regimen can support you extensively during your pregnancy and menopause. Our experts can help you get your personalised diet and lifestyle advice. Get it done today!

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