Medically reviewed by Dr.Aswathy Krishnan
Menopause is nothing but puberty’s evil older sister.
Why, you ask? Well, the hormonal changes of menopause take you on a never-ending rollercoaster ride of symptoms - hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, joint pain, and the list seems endless.
Every woman experiences a transitional phase in her lifetime - childhood, puberty (when menstruation begins), reproductive age and menopause (when menstruation ceases).
Menopause is one such phase, where you may find yourself thinking, oh God! Why me? You want to end it, or you wish it never happened.
Well, you cannot prevent menopause entirely, but certain lifestyle choices can influence its onset and severity.
Ladies, if you wish to be more proactive during menopausal transition, you’re at the right place at the right time. Keep reading this blog to understand how diet, exercise and lifestyle can help you navigate better through the transition and even potentially delay its onset.
Have you ever had a party or an important event to attend, only to have your plans crashed by your period? Well, that is one thing you don’t have to worry about during menopause.
Menopause is a natural biological process. If you haven’t had your periods continuously for 12 months after the age of 45, that means you’ve officially entered menopause.
Not having to worry about your period is a silver lining; menopause comes with some challenges. The hormonal changes caused by reduced ovarian function often cause symptoms affecting quality of life.
To learn more about hot flashes and night sweats, click here.
What you eat plays a major role in maintaining a healthy body. Therefore, include balanced nutritious food in your diet to improve hormonal health, bone health and overall well-being.
Consume a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods that provide both macro and micro nutrients required for your body. You can include,
Oestrogen, vitamin D and calcium are all interlinked; when one decreases, the other decreases and vice versa.
Oestrogen regulates vitamin D receptors in the body. When oestrogen levels decline there is a decrease in vitamin D levels.
Vitamin D is required for absorption of calcium in the small intestine. When vitamin D levels are low, there is a decrease in calcium absorption, leading to calcium deficiency and risking osteoporosis.
They are plant-based compounds that mimic oestrogen-like activity in your body. They help balance the decrease of oestrogen during menopause.
They are the natural substitutes that help balance hormone levels. They ease the symptoms of menopause.
Staying well-hydrated is essential to regulate body temperature and maintain elasticity of the skin and overall health. It also helps relieve menopause symptoms like fatigue skin changes like acne, dry skin and hot flashes.
Tap here to learn how to combat menopause in an Ayurvedic way.
Now you know what to eat. Let’s understand what to avoid to ease your symptoms.
Certain foods and beverages can trigger or exacerbate menopause symptoms.
Physical activity is like a shield against menopause. Regular exercise reduces menopause symptoms and improves your overall health.
Engage yourself in moderate-intensity exercise. It helps improve cardiac health and manage weight.
As you age, your muscle mass decreases and fat increases, especially during menopause. Strength training helps build muscle and burn fat.
It improves the metabolism and maintains body density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
Include strength training 2-3 times a week.
Flexibility and balancing exercises improve concentration. They help you focus and bring calmness.
Link Between Exercise and Sleep
Have you ever felt drowsy in the mornings but found it difficult to fall asleep at night? Menopause can lead to sleep disturbances, but regular exercise can help you get a good night’s sleep.
Exercising early in the morning is more beneficial rather than being close to bedtime.
A study found that there was a significant improvement in the quality of sleep in menopausal women who suffered from insomnia.
Everything can go right if you have a proper lifestyle apart from diet and exercising, here are some lifestyle changes that help improve menopause health.
Chronic stress increases the level of cortisol in your blood, which leads to various symptoms such as increased heart rate, fatigue, and disturbed sleep.
A common concern during menopause is insomnia or disturbed sleep.
Minimising the triggers can bring a significant change in your life.
Have you ever shared your problems with a friend or family member and felt a sense of relief?
Ladies, you are not alone in this journey. There are many women who are going through menopausal transition. Stop isolating yourself and connect with others.
Here is a glimpse of things you should follow to improve your menopause health.
Ladies, it’s time to take charge of your health.
Menopause is not a disease; it is a natural process in a woman’s life. All you have to do is face it with confidence and grace.
Menopause is not the end; it’s a new beginning of a journey. Connect with Nirva Health to enjoy your journey with menopause.
Menopause itself cannot be prevented. Every woman has to go through this phase in her life.
However, the transition and symptoms of menopause can be managed with various natural remedies and treatment options.
Certain foods, exercise, and lifestyle modifications help ease the menopause transition and sometimes delay menopause.
Stress impacts various aspects of life. It increases the cortisol levels in the body which increase heart rate, reduce sleep and cause fatigue.
Stress management techniques such as meditation and relaxation practices help calm the mind and reduce stress.
Food or diet cannot prevent menopause. But they can improve your overall well-being and hormonal health. They can influence the time and severity of menopause symptoms.
Dr. Rohini Nagendra
Dr. Rohini Nagendra, a renowned Ayurveda expert, passionately promotes wellness through holistic healing. She believes in harnessing the body's natural healing potential and the efficacy of nature's remedies for sustainable health. Blending timeless Ayurvedic wisdom with modern medical expertise, Dr. Nagendra offers a balanced approach to health and well-being. Her mission is to empower individuals to take charge of their health through personalized Ayurvedic treatments and natural therapies, achieving lasting vitality.
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