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How to Soothe an Itchy Scalp in Menopause


medically reviewed by Dr Godmi Tresa

Dr Rinku Somani

Updated on April 22, 2024

If you are going through menopause, you may be dealing with many changes in your body that can be exhausting – mood swings, hot flashes, irregular periods, brain fog, and more. Adding an itchy scalp to the mix can make things even more unpleasant.  

You may wonder if there is a connection between menopause and your itchy scalp. 

When your scalp itches constantly, focusing on anything else can be difficult. That overwhelming feeling can affect you in many ways and fill your life with stressful days and sleepless nights.

Let's find out if an itchy scalp is a symptom of menopause, what exactly is causing the itch, and how you can get rid of it.

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Why does Menopause cause an Itchy Scalp?

The hormones strike again! 

(Sounds like the title of a new thriller story. Let's put on that detective hat.)

Menopause can get characterised by initial fluctuations and, eventually, a decline in hormone levels. It's usually a while before hormone levels stabilise. Until then, until the body adjusts, these hormones can wreak physical and mental havoc.

The leading cause behind having an itchy scalp is the decline in oestrogen levels during menopause. This decline can affect the scalp in several ways, including:

  • Hormonal imbalances: The decrease in oestrogen levels can disrupt the hormonal balance in the body, leading to dryness, itching, and other scalp symptoms.
  • Reduced oil production: Oestrogen helps regulate sebum production - the natural oil that moisturises the scalp and hair. As oestrogen levels decline, sebum production decreases, leading to a dry, flaky, and itchy scalp.
  • Changes in hair growth cycle: Menopause can also affect the growth cycle, leading to hair thinning and hair loss.
  • Increased stress: Menopause can also accompany increased stress levels, affecting the scalp and hair.
  • Poor nutrition: Menopause can also affect nutrient absorption and metabolism, which can lead to deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are crucial for healthy skin and hair, and their deficiency can lead to dryness, itching, and other scalp problems.
  • Medications: Women going through menopause may be taking various medications to manage symptoms such as hot flashes, mood changes, and bone loss. Some medications can cause an itchy scalp as a side effect.
  • Genetics: Some women may be more prone to hair loss or scalp issues due to genetic predisposition.

Menopause's Effect on your Scalp

Menopause can affect the scalp in several ways. The common symptoms of a menopausal scalp include:

  • Itching: The decreased oestrogen levels can cause the scalp to dry, leading to itchiness and discomfort.
  • Dryness: The reduced production of sebum can make the scalp dry, flaky, and brittle, which can lead to dandruff and other scalp conditions.
  • Hair thinning and bald patches: You can experience hair loss due to changes in the hair growth cycle.
  • Redness: Menopause can also cause redness and inflammation on the scalp, accompanied by itching and discomfort.
  • Scalp tenderness: Tenderness or soreness on the scalp, makes it uncomfortable to touch or brush your hair.
  • Scalp sensitivity: Menopause can cause the scalp to become more sensitive to certain hair products or treatments, leading to irritation and itchiness.

You can now try to put your finger on the 'why' behind it. In many cases, finding the root cause of any problem is half the way to solving it. Let's read on to uncover more.

“I have massive hair fall, and my scalp is very itchy and tender. All this began after my menopause, and the only thing I want to solve is the itchy scalp, which makes me embarrassed.” - A Nirva Client

There Could be Other Reasons Too!

Let's look at this through another lens.

Although the symptoms during this phase may want you to connect them back to menopause, it would also help to consider other causes of an itchy scalp. Some of them are listed below.

  1. Scalp infections: Fungal or bacterial infections, such as ringworm or folliculitis, can cause itching and redness on the scalp.
  2. Psoriasis or eczema: These are skin conditions that can cause itching, redness, and scaling on the scalp.
  3. Allergic reactions: Hair care products, dyes, or other hair treatments can cause  temporary itching and redness on the scalp. If that’s the case, you should discontinue use. 
  4. Lice: You can pick up lice if you have been in close contact with anyone who already has lice. Be sure to cross-check if lice are the culprit! 
  5. Nutritional deficiencies: A lack of certain nutrients, such as zinc, biotin, or vitamin D, can cause an itchy scalp.
  6. Dehydration: Inadequate water intake can cause discomfort to the scalp. 
  7. Stress: Can disrupt the body's normal functioning and manifest in various ways, including an itchy scalp.
  8. Hormonal imbalances: Thyroid disorders can also result in hormonal imbalances, leaving you with an itchy scalp.

Getting to the bottom of your condition and identifying the root cause will help you address it most aptly.

And it doesn’t stop with an itchy scalp!

Here are some risks associated with it.

  1. You could lose more hair. Constant scratching and rubbing of the scalp can cause damage to the hair follicles. 
  2. You could bring on another infection. By continuously scratching an itchy scalp, you can introduce bacteria or fungus from your fingernails, leading to a secondary infection on the scalp.
  3. You could scar your scalp with constant scratching and rubbing. 
  4. You could become more anxious. An itchy scalp can be socially embarrassing and affect a person's self-esteem. Stepping out of home or being in the company of friends and family can become challenging and stressful. 
  5. An itchy scalp can cause discomfort and disrupt your sleep.

Considering the above points, it's best to address an itchy scalp soon.

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So, How Can you Keep Your Scalp Healthy?

You could take several steps to prevent an itchy scalp. Why not start by practising the following:

  • Keep your scalp clean: Regular shampooing and proper hygiene can help to prevent an itchy scalp. Use a mild, pH-balanced shampoo and avoid using hair products containing harsh chemicals.
  • Avoid scratching: Scratching an itchy scalp can cause damage to the hair follicles and introduce bacteria or fungus from the fingernails
  • Use a gentle brush: Use a wide-toothed comb or brush with soft bristles to avoid damaging the hair and scalp.
  • Keep your hair accessories clean: Unclean brushes and combs can accumulate bacteria and other germs. So cleaning them and keeping them dry is preferred. 
  • Avoid hot showers: Hot water can dry and strip the scalp of its natural oils. Use lukewarm water and avoid over-washing.
  • Use a natural oil: Massage your scalp with natural oils like coconut, olive or castor oil, which can help to keep the scalp moisturised and prevent itching.
  • Use mild herbal shampoos: Ensure you use gentle shampoos to avoid added stress to your scalp.
  • Avoid harsh hair treatments: Avoid using hair treatments like hair dyes, relaxers, and straighteners, which can irritate the scalp
  • Eat a healthy diet: Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids can help keep the scalp healthy
  • Stay hydrated: Water is an elixir that can heal many things. Sufficient water levels in your body will ensure moisturisation
  • Keep stress levels low: Stress can affect the body's normal functioning, leading to itching on the scalp

Ayurveda to the Rescue!

In the traditional Indian medicine system of Ayurveda, a healthy scalp is considered crucial for overall health and well-being. Ayurveda emphasises the importance of maintaining balance in the three doshas - vata, pitta, and kapha - the fundamental energies that govern the body.

  • Vata: The vata dosha is associated with dryness. So, an overabundance of vata can lead to a dry, itchy scalp. To balance vata, Ayurveda recommends employing warm oil massages, avoiding hot showers, and avoiding harsh hair care products.
  • Pitta: The pitta dosha is associated with heat and inflammation, and thus, an overabundance of pitta can lead to an itchy, red, and irritated scalp. To balance pitta, Ayurveda recommends using calming, soothing hair care products and avoiding hot and spicy foods.
  • Kapha: The Kapha dosha is associated with oiliness and congestion, so its overabundance can lead to an oily, greasy scalp. To balance Kapha, Ayurveda recommends using light, non-oily hair care products and avoiding consuming heavy and oily foods.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Relief from an Itchy Scalp

Ayurveda offers several natural remedies that can provide treatment to relieve an itchy scalp due to menopause. These Ayurvedic remedies can help to soothe an itchy scalp:

  1. Warm Oil Massage - A warm oil massage can help to nourish the scalp and hair. Use warm oils such as coconut, sesame, olive oil or a combination of coconut and castor oil in equal proportions and massage it into the scalp. Leave it on for 15 - 30 minutes before washing your hair. 
  2. Herbs massage for the scalp - You can mix herbal powders such as neem powder, amla powder, and tulsi powder with warm oil and applied to the scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes before washing your hair as usual.
  3. Apply Fenugreek paste - Soak fenugreek seeds overnight and grind them into a paste in the morning, then apply this paste on the scalp before bath and leave it for 10 minutes. Wash it off with normal water. You can also use the paste of fenugreek seeds with two tbsp of curd on your scalp once a week.
  4. Apply Lemon Juice - Lemon juice has natural acidic properties that can help balance the scalp's pH level. Apply coconut oil mixed with 4 to 5 drops of lemon juice on the scalp once a week. Mix curd with one teaspoon of lemon juice and apply it to the scalp. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off.
  5. Bhringaraj  - It is an Ayurveda herb that stimulates and nourishes the hair's root and helps balance the vata pitta doshas, preventing hair loss and baldness. It also helps to maintain the natural hair colour and prevents premature greying. Check with an Ayurvedic practitioner for the correct dosage to suit your condition.
  6. Amalaki - It is a rich source of vitamins and antioxidants. It helps to regulate the dosha vitiation, especially that of pitta dosha, and thus prevents dryness. It also promotes hair growth and general health. Check with an Ayurvedic practitioner for the correct dosage to suit your condition.
  7. Shirodhara - Shirodhara is an Ayurvedic treatment where you can pour warm oil over the forehead. This treatment can help to reduce stress and improve blood flow to the scalp, which can help to relieve itching.
  8. Panchakarma - Panchakarma is a set of five Ayurvedic detoxification treatments that help to cleanse the body of toxins. Procedures like thalapothichil, sirodhara and Nasya can also help to treat the dry scalp. But all these should be done after consultation with an Ayurvedic expert.
  9. Herbal teas: Drinking herbal teas like liquorice root, fenugreek, and turmeric tea can help to soothe the scalp and reduce itching.
  10. Diet: A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids can help keep the scalp healthy. Eating foods high in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, can help reduce inflammation and promote scalp health.

There are several other natural remedies which you can consider.

  • Apply Apple Cider Vinegar -  Mix apple cider vinegar and water equally and massage the mixture onto the scalp. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then shampoo your hair as usual. The acidity of the vinegar helps to balance the scalp's pH level and can help to relieve itching.
  • Massage with Tea Tree Oil - Mix tea tree oil with carrier oil, such as coconut or olive oil, and massage it into the scalp. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes before washing your hair. Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties that can help to relieve itching.
  • Apply Aloe Vera Gel - The succulent is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. You can apply aloe vera gel directly to the scalp. Leave it on for 20 minutes before washing your hair as usual.
  • Massage with Neem oil - Neem oil has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial properties that can help relieve itching and reduce dandruff. Massage neem oil into the scalp, leave it on for 30 minutes and then shampoo your hair as usual.
  • Herbal rinses - Herbs such as rosemary, thyme, lavender, and chamomile can be added to water to create a soothing rinse for the scalp. Boil the herbs in water and let them steep, then strain the liquid and use it to rinse your hair after shampooing.

To Sum it Up

There are many underlying reasons for an itchy scalp. Itchy scalp during menopause can be caused by hormonal changes and decreased oil production. Ayurveda recommends balancing the doshas and using herbal oils and remedies to soothe the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. It's important to note that the underlying cause of an itchy scalp can vary, and please consult a doctor to determine the cause of scalp symptoms.

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