Medically reviewed by Dr.Aswathy Krishnan
Menopause can be quite challenging. Even though it is just a natural transition like menarche (starting of your periods) in a woman’s life. It is as natural as being born into this world. But, think about it! With birth, with puberty or with menarche, things change for a woman. So, menopause is as natural as any other change in the body as you grow.
In ayurveda, this natural transition is seen with respect to a change in the bioenergy or doshas - Vata, Pitta, Kapha.
The changes the difference in level of doshas bring, come out as different symptoms. Dietary adjustments are one of the easiest ways of managing the level of doshas.
These dietary guidelines will help you.
But before that, check what your body says about your inborn level of doshas, by checking what body type you are - Check Now!
So, how is an imbalanced vata dosha state associated with menopausal symptoms? According to Ayurveda, ageing is a vata-predominant process. The more you age, the more your body is prone to aggravated vata conditions. Therefore, many of the women experience symptoms similar to aggravated vata conditions.
Vata symptoms | Dietary recommendations |
| Since vata dosha is dry, cold and rough, qualities opposite to these properties help to relieve the menopausal symptoms caused by vata.
Ayurveda considers menopause the transition of a woman's life from a pitta dominant phase to a vata dominant phase. Pitta is the dosha associated with the processes of proliferation and secretion, which are important events during the reproductive phase in a woman's life. Any pitta imbalances that occur during the reproductive period, if untreated, can worsen the menopausal symptoms caused by pitta dosha.
Pitta symptoms | Dietary recommendations |
| Since pitta dosha is hot, light, sharp and penetrating in nature, Ayurveda prescribes soothing foods that can alleviate the menopausal symptoms of pitta.
Perimenopause, or the stage preceded by menopause, is when kapha is predominant, according to Ayurveda. Kapha dosha is responsible for maintaining structural stability and integrity of the tissues, which gradually decreases when a woman hits her late forties or early fifties. A decrease in kapha dosha leads to Dhatu Kshaya / tissue depletion.
Kapha symptoms | Dietary recommendations |
| Since Kapha dosha is cool, sticky and heavy, including foods with opposite properties tends to decrease the properties of kapha, according to Ayurveda.
Ayurvedic dietary tips for menopause relief mainly involve feeding your body what it needs by thoroughly analysing every menopausal symptom. The severity of the menopausal symptoms results from the imbalances of doshas and depletion of dhatus, which were not corrected or adequately managed during the reproductive phase. Ayurveda also stresses the importance of dietary detoxification to decrease the effects of bioaccumulation of toxins termed 'ama' that can worsen menopausal symptoms.
Here is the list of five foods that can help you balance menopausal symptoms with ease!
Fresh fruits and green leafy veggies ;
This ensures intake of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Best fruits and vegetables for menopause include spinach, kale, watercress, romaine lettuce, beetroot, apples, berries, dates, oranges, strawberries, avocados, pomegranates and mangoes.
Whole grains ;
Including whole grains in your diet helps ensure an adequate supply of vitamin B and fibre.
Ayurveda suggests porridge preparation with whole grains like yava/Barley as one of the best meals for women during menopause.
Other sources of whole grains include Brown rice, quinoa, millet, oats and buckwheat.
Calcium-rich foods ;
During menopause, the chances of getting osteoporosis are higher, so sufficient calcium supply should be ensured.
Ayurveda suggests the intake of milk and clarified butter. Yoghurt and tofu can also be good sources of calcium and probiotics. If you are lactose intolerant, ayurvedic herbs like Shatavari,shigru, amla, and arjuna can help you balance the calcium supply in your body.
Protein-rich foods ;
This helps combat fatigue, ensure muscle strength, and improve your energy levels.
Protein-rich foods include almonds, walnuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds, flax seeds and soybeans
Herbal teas ;
This can help detox your body and improve your metabolism.
Chamomile, chasteberry, green, turmeric, liquorice, shatavari, and red raspberry leaf tea are promising to fight menopausal symptoms.
Meal planning and timing is also equally important if you are planning on a healthy menopause diet change. Check out these tips -
The ayurvedic diet plan focuses on personalised approach as per your body type and as per the dosha changes in your body.
So, following the right set of ayurvedic dietary guidelines is essential to keep your menopausal symptoms at bay.
To know more, connect with Nirva health-experts.
No. Menopause is a natural transition just like transitioning from childhood to adulthood.It is just a signal that a woman’s reproductive phase has come to an end and now, it's time for her to take care of her body. Every woman deserves a little self-care and pampering as she enters her menopause. All you need to do is understand the change in dosha levels and balance them with the best natural methods.
Yes, the first and foremost part of balancing dosha and body changes in any situation is giving the right kind of food. Diet is the answer for most of the health issues. So yes, the right kind of diet can manage your menstrual symptoms.
A holistic diet helps balance your hormones, metabolism and anything related to fat storage and burning in the body. Instead of dieting or fasting to burn your calories, try to use the right kind of diet and meal planning to cut off the fat. Diet must focus on a balanced nutrition that can push the nutrition and metabolism in the right way.
Make sure not to starve your body, but nurture it for the right kind of weight loss during menopause.
Dr Reshma N Babu
Dr Reshma N Babu is a passionate, young Ayurveda doctor who strongly believes in sharing the warmth of her knowledge in Ayurveda medicine in caring for people who are suffering from physical and mental imbalances. Dr. Reshma highlights Ayurveda not just as a medical science that cures disease but as a way of living.
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