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9 Yoga Tools for Neck Joint Pain Relief


medically reviewed by Dr Naveen Chandran

Dr. Bhavya

Updated on April 25, 2024


Yoga is a peaceful and calming activity, but let's be honest - some poses can be challenging, especially if you have joint issues like neck pain. But don't worry, we've got your back, or rather, your neck! 

Our yoga experts suggest that using yoga accessories to support your neck can be incredibly helpful. Plus, these props can help you feel more confident in your practice.

So, we've compiled a list of yoga props and equipment to help alleviate neck joint issues and make your yoga practice more comfortable and enjoyable.

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Importance of Yoga Props for Neck Joint Issues

Have you ever had trouble sleeping because your pillow wasn't quite right? We've all been there! Getting a good night's sleep is so important, but if you need to use the right pillow, it can leave you feeling sore and uncomfortable.

That's how vital neck joint support props are, too! 

What other multitasking do these tools do for your neck? Read on.

  • The neck joint is a vulnerable area with several spinal nerves passing from the head to different body parts, and it requires adequate support during yoga. 
  • Proper alignment is crucial for yoga postures; the spinal alignment falls into place when the neck alignment is correct. 
  • Yoga tools like blocks can support your neck when you cannot keep it straight on the ground. 
  • Yoga props are flexible. You can use them according to your health issues. Many props are soft, which takes care of your neck health appropriately.
  • In addition to supporting your practice, yoga props are central to restorative yoga practices, focusing on relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • The props support you when you want to practise long-duration restorative poses. 

So, it's time to fill your shopping cart with all the neck joint supporting props.

The Yoga Accessories for Overcoming Neck Joint Discomfort 

Want to know which props are the best for supporting your neck joints? Let's look together and check out the best neck joint support props. 

Are you ready to get started?



Have you considered using bolsters during your yoga practice? Trust me; you'll love the comfort of placing a bolster under your shoulders and neck.

  • Bolsters can make a significant difference, especially in the corpse pose or savasana, by providing comfort under your shoulders and neck.
  • They're excellent for providing extra support, especially during reclining or seated poses.
  •  Additionally, they can help you release tension in your neck during gentle backbends, taking your practice to the next level. 

Let's get stretching!


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Are you doing seated poses to relieve neck pain and feeling uncomfortable? Then, try using blocks. They're super handy! 

  • If you need to adjust your body's height or alignment, use this yoga prop for neck flexibility. 
  • Placing blocks under your hips can help you achieve perfect spine alignment and feel better.
  • Placing a block under your head can help prevent unnecessary strain during forward folds. 

Give it a try and see how you feel!



Straps are an excellent yoga accessory that can make a difference! They come in various lengths. Plus, you will find them in cotton or nylon. 

Here are some great ways that straps can help you during your yoga practice:

  • If you need extra reach, straps can be super helpful! They can help you reach your feet in specific yoga exercises, like hand-to-leg poses, and not strain your neck. 
  • Straps can also help you stay in proper alignment and avoid injury by providing support.
  • You can use straps to hold poses for extended periods, which can help you improve your flexibility and get a deeper stretch. 
  • Straps can help you modify poses and make them more accessible. 

Straps can create resistance and help you take your yoga practice to the next level. Try it and see how straps can be a great yoga accessory for neck discomfort relief and can enhance your yoga experience!



Did you know that blankets are more than just a source of comfort and warmth? You can also use them to relieve neck joint discomfort!

Here are some ways you can use blankets to make your neck feel better: 

  • When doing yoga, try placing a folded blanket under your head during supine poses to give yourself extra cushioning and support. 
  • During seated postures, you can use a rolled-up blanket or towel to support your neck and help take pressure off your cervical spine. 
  • For a nice stretch, lay a folded blanket on the floor and rest your neck on the edge of it, letting your head gently fall back and stretch your neck muscles. 
  • If you're feeling tense, use a weighted blanket on your neck and shoulders to provide gentle pressure and promote relaxation. 
  • Lastly, if you feel stiff, wrap a warm blanket around your neck and enjoy soothing heat therapy. 

If and when using this prop to ease neck joint pain, these tips will make you feel more comfortable and relaxed!

Neck Rolls and Pillows

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These specifically designed little helpers support and ease neck tension, which can be helpful during yoga.

Here are some of the benefits of using neck rolls and pillows: 

  • They help maintain the natural curve of your neck during yoga poses and provide extra support.
  • If you suffer from neck tension, using neck rolls and pillows can help ease the discomfort and relieve your muscles.
  • Aligning your neck and spine can help improve your overall posture. 
  • Using a neck roll during savasana or other relaxation poses can enhance relaxation and help you achieve a deeper state of calmness. 
  • They can keep your neck in a safe position during yoga practice, which can help prevent injury. 

Overall, neck rolls and pillows are a great addition to your yoga equipment list for neck joint issues.

Cervical Pillows

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Using a cervical pillow might be the solution you need for proper neck positioning. 

Here are a few ways cervical pillows can be helpful: 

  • Cervical pillows support the natural curvature of your spine, which can help reduce tension and strain on your neck muscles. 
  • These can help prevent future injuries and reduce the risk of developing chronic pain. 
  • They evenly distribute the weight of your head and neck, which can help reduce pressure on specific areas and alleviate pain.   
  • By using a cervical pillow, you may become more aware of your body's alignment and posture, which can help you to make adjustments and improve your overall form. 

Cervical pillows are one of the most supportive yoga equipment for neck joint issues. 

Incline Planks or Chairs

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Incline planks or chairs are yoga props designed to provide support and stability to the body during yoga practice. These props comprise a simple wooden or metal frame and a padded surface on which the body rests. 

Here are some ways in which this yoga prop works on neck pain;

  • Incline planks or chairs can give gentle diversions during the posture wherever necessary. They can help take the pressure off your neck muscles and relieve pain. 
  • During therapeutic yoga, using incline planks or chairs can also help you invert your body, significantly reducing strain on your neck and improving blood flow to your head. 
  • Inverting the body with the props' help and support helps reverse gravity's effects that strain neck muscles.
  • Incline planks or chairs support the neck, head, and shoulders. Doing so helps maintain proper alignment of the spine.
  • Using incline planks or chairs can help increase flexibility in the neck and shoulder muscles. 

Why not give them a try? You might be surprised at how much support and stability they can provide! 

Therapeutic Neck Collars

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Therapeutic neck collars provide gentle compression and warmth to the neck area, which can help to enhance muscle relaxation and reduce pain and stiffness. 

Here are some specific ways that these collars are great yoga props for neck pain;

  • Wear them during seating or lying poses to support your neck and reduce joint strain. 
  • The gentle compression increases blood flow to the neck, promoting healing and reducing inflammation.
  • The warmth soothes sore muscles and reduces tension in the neck and shoulders. 
  • With less pain and stiffness, you can perform poses more comfortably and get more out of your practice.

These collars can help alleviate pain and stiffness, allowing you to focus on your practice and achieve your fitness goals.

Yoga Wheel

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Have you heard about yoga wheels? They are quickly becoming a popular yoga prop due to their versatility and numerous benefits. You can use these circular props for various poses to deepen stretches, improve balance, and relieve tension. 

  • You can gently stretch your upper back muscles and shoulders using the wheel to support your spine and roll it up and down. 
  • The wheels can help alleviate tension in the neck area.
  • Using a wheel can help improve balance and stability, reducing neck and shoulder pain risk.

It's a short list to add to your must-buy yoga tools for neck joint relief. There are more, but we recommend you take the suggestion from a yoga expert before you decide which prop you need the most.

How Do Yoga Props Work for Neck Flexibility and Relaxation?

When something good happens to your body, it's wise to ask how and why the change occurs.

Are you interested in learning how yoga props can help relieve neck pain and improve flexibility?

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Well, let us break it down for you in a way that's easy to understand!


During practice, yoga props like blocks, straps, and bolsters can support and align your body. And this also means you can safely stretch and expand more, gradually improving your flexibility.


When you drape yoga straps around or keep that bolster under your back, you get a good alignment. Spinal alignment is an essential aspect of improving relaxation and flexibility.

Gravity-Assisted Relaxation

A prop support under your neck lets the force of gravity work its magic. For instance, using a bolster in a reclined pose can help open up your chest and shoulders while calming.

Tension Release

Using props can also help with tension release, as they take most of the pressure and stress off your body. It allows your muscles to relax and stretch freely, which can be especially beneficial for those experiencing neck pain.

Blood Flow

Another great benefit of using props is that they can help blood flow to the neck region. Using a pillow or blocks to support your neck in specific postures can increase blood nutrients and oxygen supply to the muscles and other tissues, promoting relaxation and recovery.

So, get help with yoga accessories to get that maximum relaxation and flexibility you seek.

Wait! Before you shop for yoga props for neck pain, look for the best ones according to your needs.

How Can You Select the Right Props for Your Needs?

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If you need assistance understanding what props may work for your needs, you must take tips from your instructor.

In general, look for the following:

Individual Needs

Think about your own needs. Don't copy what your friend buys. Consider your level of flexibility and comfort. For example, you might need blocks or bolsters for more flexibility.

Prop Function

Understand what each prop does. Blocks give you height and support. Bolsters help you relax. Blankets cushion you. Straps help you stretch. Wheels help you massage and stretch.


Think about what feels comfortable for you. Consider how soft the cushions are, how much grip you need, and how much you can stretch the strap.

Neck Issues to Address

You may need props according to neck discomfort level or type. You might need bolsters or blankets if your neck is tight or tense. You might need blocks if you can't move your neck very much. If you need help with alignment, you might need straps.


It's okay to try new props sometimes. Just make sure you choose props that are right for your level. For example, if you're new to yoga, there might be better choices than yoga wheels.

Know When to Stop

Be careful not to hurt yourself. Take it slow and pay attention to how your body feels. Stop or switch to a new prop if you feel any pain in your neck while using props.

Take professional guidance for the best results. 

Be careful not to hurt yourself. Take it slow and pay attention to how your body feels. Stop or switch to a new prop if you feel any pain in your neck while using props.

Learn how to use them and enjoy the sessions.

To Conclude

Yoga props do hold a value in your yoga toolkit. It's a relief when it comes to severe neck discomfort. Adding these accessories to your practice will allow you to enjoy support, alignment and relaxation according to your neck issues. 

We hope you have fun with your yoga toolkit.

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